How Google+ works for teens

Google+ for teens is mostly the same as Google+ for adults. However, the default settings for teens are more conservative.

Settings for teens

The default settings described below are different for teens than adults. Teens can change many of these these settings if they want.


Only people in a teen's circles can comment on posts they share with the "Public" or "Extended circles."

Note: If teens share a post to "Public" or "Extended Circles", they'll see a message reminding them that people who aren't in their circles may see or comment on their post.

Profile info

Some profile information is private, including:

  • Gender
  • Introduction
  • Links
  • Home contact info
  • Work contact info
  • Occupation
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Places lived

Anyone on Google+ can +mention a teen, but teens can decide if they want to get a notification when this happens.

By default, teens only get notified when people in their circles mention them.


By default, people can't find a teen's profile in search results.


If a +Page owner decides to prevent teens of a certain age from visiting their page, those teens can't:

  • Navigate to the page
  • Add the page to their circles
  • Be contacted by the page

Teens are still able to:

  • See the page's comments on their friend's posts
  • Prevent people from contacting teens on Google+

If teens want to prevent someone from contacting them, they can block them.

Report offensive content

If teens see content in Google+ that violates the Content Policies, they can report it to Google.

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