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100 Years Of Remembrance

November 11th 2018 was the Centenary of the day the guns fell silent on the Western Front and the Great War came to an end.
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Time & Eternity

Some say “Carpe Diem, seize the day, live the dream”. For others, life is a titanic struggle and the temptation to wish it all away is very real I guess.
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The Master Locksmith

By 1920, Harry Houdini had gained a global reputation for escaping from handcuffs, chains and even the cells of Scotland Yard.
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The Posh & The Poor

A couple of weeks ago a storm of controversy blew up in Oxford as the local council resurfaced an upmarket section of a residential street, leaving the poorer part untouched.
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Lost In France

A couple of years ago, God opened a door for us as the devastating effects of the migrant crisis in France took hold.
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Bridge To Life

There’s a famous bridge that spans the mighty Kwai Yai River 170 miles from Bangkok. Prisoners of war died in huge numbers during its construction.
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The Barnum Of The Pulpit

In 1920’s America, Aimee Semple McPherson was the ‘Barnum of the Pulpit’ It was said that Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga and Madonna all put together were not what Aimee was back then.
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Knowing The Author

150 years ago, there was a famous actor who travelled England with his open-air show of drama, poetry and readings.
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Houdini's Jailbreak

100 years ago Harry Houdini boasted to the American Press that nothing could keep him captive against his well. The challenge went something like this.
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Rush Of Wind

Windrush bound for London. One young man left Jamaica with three requests from his mother. “When you arrive in England” she said “Find a Post Office to write to me
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April Fools

Last Sunday April 1st, was a landmark in more ways than one. Primarily it was Resurrection Day, the singular most important day in the year.
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The Day Death Died

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that this coming weekend is Easter. I’ll be speaking at Central Hall Southampton on Sunday as part of New Community Church’s Easter Celebrations.
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The Lidless Coffin

Many have asked me over the years what first inspired me to use unusual props and visual aids to illustrate the message of Jesus.
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Passing Of A Hero

Over the last few days I’ve read and heard so many tributes to Billy Graham who stepped into eternity last week in his 100th year of life.
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Hidden Shame

I get asked many questions about Jesus doing what I do. This is probably the most frequent, “If God loves us why doesn’t he help us?”
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Destiny Calling

Lionel Messi, winner of football’s Ballon d’or five times was told as a kid that he was far too small to be any good.
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The Air Raid

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few” The timeless words of Winston Churchill
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Ultimate Centenary

2018 marks the centenary of the Armistice that ended World War One. With the passing of the last surviving veteran 5 years ago that terrible conflict passed from living memory into history.

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