Presenting the BIG STORY of Jesus Indoors, Outdoors & Online

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In 1987 I committed my life to presenting the message of Jesus. It has led me on a journey I could never have imagined possible all those years ago. I owe a debt of gratitude that I could never repay to those who have prayed for me, supported the work and walked this journey by my side. But far more important than any of us are those who have heard the BIG STORY of Jesus, joined a church and embarked on the great adventure that is the Christian life.
Steve Lee
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Steve has presented the BIG STORY of Jesus Christ across the UK, Europe and in other parts of the world, full-time, since 1987.

Over the decades, he has trained others, created projects and initiatives and raised up several generations of the Miracle Street team. In what is now his fourth decade, Steve's entire focus is on proclaiming this
BIG STORY Indoors, Outdoors and Online.

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