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Proud of Our Creators

There's a lot done to recognize the amount of effort and dedication creators like you put into their channels. Support and encouragement are provided for you with benefits and opportunities tailored to fit your channel's specific level. Discover all the opportunities and qualifications in the benefit level section.

View Benefit Levels

Getting Your Award

Once your channel qualifies, we'll notify you to redeem the award. All you'll have to do is sign into the Awards Redemption Portal and input your information. After we get your info, you can expect your award to arrive in 6-10 weeks.

Get My Award

We Keep It Honest

Creator Awards are given at YouTube's sole discretion and we only recognize creators that have played by the rules. Each channel is reviewed before an award is issued to keep the playing field fair. That means rewarding creators that keep their accounts in good standing without copyright strikes, community guideline violations, or artificially increased subscriber counts, among other criteria.

Learn About Requirements