Developers » API methods » Market » market.addAlbum
Creates new collection of items
This method can be called with a user token. Access rights required: market.
owner_idID of the community that owns the items market.
Use a negative value to designate a community ID. For example owner_id = -1 corresponds to VKontakte API (club1) community ID.

int (number), required parameter
titleCollection title.
string, required parameter, maximum length 128
photo_idCover photo ID.

The photo should be uploaded using the photos.getMarketUploadServer method.

See detailed information about uploading a market item photo here.
positive number
main_albumSet as main (1 – set, 0 – no).
flag, either 1 or 0
Returns created collection ID in market_album_id field.
1407Too many albums
Global errors can occur while running. See their descriptions on this page.