Developers » Like Widget
Like Widget
With Like widget your visitors can express their attitude towards an article with one click or immediately share the link to it with their friends. 

You can always view the full list of users who liked the article and shared the link to it with their friends. Besides, using Browse Comments link you can view all comments left in VK for the posted links. 

Values are different for each unique URL on your site. If an article on your site can have different URLs (e.g. depending on navigation source, language and other parameters), then the last parameter passed in VK.Widgets.Like shall be your internal ID of the page — page_id. See code example with page_id in widget complete documentation

To receive the list of users who marked the page via Like widget you can use API likes.getList method. 
Connect a Widget to Your Site
To add the widget to your website, simply paste the embeding code to the page you want the widget to be on.
Button Layout:
Button Height:
Button Name:
Embedding code:
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