Developers » API methods » Users » users.get
Returns detailed information on users.
This method can be called by a service token. Only public data is returned.
This method can be called with a user token.
This method can be called with a community token.
user_idsUser IDs or screen names (screen_name). By default, current user ID.
list of comma-separated words, the maximum number of elements allowed is 1000
fieldsProfile fields to return. Sample values: nickname, screen_name, sex, bdate (birthdate), city, country, timezone, photo, photo_medium, photo_big, has_mobile, contacts, education, online, counters, relation, last_seen, activity, can_write_private_message, can_see_all_posts, can_post, universities
Click here for the full list of supported parameters.
list of comma-separated words
name_caseCase for declension of user name and surname:
nom — nominative (default)
gen — genitive
dat — dative
acc — accusative
ins — instrumental
abl — prepositional
Returns a list of user objects.

A deactivated field may be returned with the value deleted or banned if a user has been suspended.
Global errors can occur while running. See their descriptions on this page.
Version historyShow all
messages.getHistoryAttachments method returns message_id field. User object has a new value of relationship status (8 — "in a civil union").
Fields city and country in fields return object instead of id.