Entwickler » Post Object
Post object
post object describes a wall post and contains the following fields:

id Post ID on the wall.
positive number
owner_id Wall owner ID.
int (number)
from_id ID of the user who posted.
int (number)
date Date (in Unix time) the post was added.
positive number
text Text of the post.
reply_owner_id ID of the wall owner the post to which the reply is addressed (if the post is a reply to another wall post).
int (number)
reply_post_id ID of the wall post to which the reply is addressed (if the post is a reply to another wall post).
int (number)
friends_only 1, if the post was created with "Friends only" option.
int (number)
comments Information about comments to the post; an object containing:
  • count — Number of comments.
    positive number
  • can_post* — Whether the current user can leave comments to the post (0 — cannot, 1 — can).
    flag, either 1 or 0
likes Information about likes to the post; an object containing:
  • count — Number of users who liked the post.
    positive number
  • user_likes* — Whether the user liked the post (0 — not liked, 1 — liked).
    flag, either 1 or 0
  • can_like* — Whether the user can like the post (0 — cannot, 1 — can).
    flag, either 1 or 0
  • can_publish* — Whether the user can repost (0 — cannot, 1 — can).
    flag, either 1 or 0
reposts Information about reposts (Share with friends); an object containing:
  • count — Number of users who copied the post.
    positive number
  • user_reposted* — Whether the user reposted the post (0 — not reposted, 1 — reposted).
    flag, either 1 or 0
post_type Type of the post, can be: post, copy, reply, postpone, suggest.
post_source* Information about the means of posting (see Description of "post_source" field).
attachments Information about attachments to the post (photos, links, etc.), if any; see Description of "attachments" field.
geo Information about location; an object containing:
  • place_id — Location ID.
    positive number
  • title — Location title.
  • type — Location type.
  • country_id — Country ID.
    positive number
  • city_id — City ID.
    positive number
  • address — Street address.
  • showmap — Used if a map of the location is attached.
signer_id ID of the author (if the post was published by a community and signed by a user).
positive number
copy_history an array containing reposts history for current post. Returns only if current post is a repost. Each array element is a post object as well.
can_pin shows if current user can pin a post (1 – yes, 0 – no).
flag, either 1 or 0
is_pinned shows if the post is pinned (1 – yes, 0 – no).
flag, either 1 or 0

Additional fields for API versions below 5.0

copy_post_date Date (in Unix time) the reposted post was added (if the post was reposted from someone else's wall).
positive number
copy_post_type Type of the reposted post (if the post was reposted from someone else's wall).
copy_owner_id ID of the wall owner the post was copied from (if the post was reposted from someone else's wall).
int (number)
copy_post_id ID of the reposted post on its owner wall (if the post was reposted from someone else's wall).
positive number
copy_text Text of the comment added when reposting (if the post was reposted from someone else's wall).
* -marked fields are relevant only for Desktop-apps.
COMMENT (1 of 1): Under "geo", Nita added "showmap", which had appeared on many method pages. Please validate that that is correct. Also, you need to supply the "gray" information (e.g., string, positive number).-->
<!--COMMENT: We have struggled a bit deciding between the definite article "the" or the indefinite article "a" in passages such as "Whether the/a user can like." We hope we have not corrupted the meaning technically. Please assess these passages carefully. -KS

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