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Boating Abroad 

UK leaving the EU: The UK has triggered Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, which provides a mechanism for the voluntary and unilateral withdrawal of a country from the EU, and is now negotiating the arrangements for its withdrawal from the EU. Until the UK's withdrawal negotiations are complete, in terms of the advice regarding boating abroad on the RYA website, UK residents remain EU residents, the UK remains in the EU for VAT, Customs and Excise purposes and there should be little noticeable difference when sailing between the UK and other EU countries.

If you are cruising the waters of another country under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, that country is quite within its rights to ask you to comply with their rules and regulations, should they wish you to do so. However courteous recognition accorded by one nation to the laws and institutions of another means this is seldom the case. 

The Coastal State may however require visiting vessels to comply with some of its requirements, the most common of which is requiring the skipper to prove his or her competence for that role. Carriage of local publications or regulations is also commonly stipulated. It is important that you are aware of your obligations prior to leaving UK territorial waters.