"PetRoNeft" Group of Companies is a diversified Russian holding uniting promising and dynamically developing assets in the oil refining, oil production and construction sectors.

Main production asset "PetRoNeft" Group of Companies is oil refinery - SAMARATRANSNEFT-TERMINAL LLC, located in Volzhsky district of Samara region. The refinery was put into commercial operation in 2014 and is an up-to-date oil refinery and oil-loading complex built according to the latest environmental and technological requirements.

Mission and strategy of the Company – development of the production base in order to increase the efficiency of hydrocarbon processing by increasing the volume of production of petroleum products with the introduction of deep oil processing.


Corporate strategy

The strategy of development and growth of the company is aimed at including the enterprise in each of the stages of the chain from the extraction of raw materials to its processing into final products and subsequent sale to the end user.

Functional corporate development strategies are developed to achieve the goals

Management Policy is aimed at the effective use of human resources and the organization of management processes at all levels.

Financial strategy assumes effective provision and management of available financial resources.

Production (technological) strategy involves the rationalization of technological processes in the production scheme, stable high-tech production of quality products, taking into account all environmental requirements.

Marketing strategy is aimed at analyzing the competitive environment, understanding market demand, conducting a flexible pricing policy aimed at anticipating any changes in demand patterns in both the external and internal markets.