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Control and eliminate the most prevalent neglected diseases among the world's poorest and most vulnerable people. How will we achieve this? Click here to find out...

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About NTDs NTD Overview

What is the END Fund?

The END Fund is the world's first private philanthropic initiative to combat the five most common neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) that, together, cause up to 90% of the NTD burden in sub-Saharan Africa. Supported by a group of global philanthropists, the END Fund provides financing for nationwide disease control initiatives, creating new programs, supplementing existing ones, and using leveraged funds to extend and deepen the impact.

The END Fund provides exceptional return on investment by harnessing the highly scalable impact of low-cost mass drug administrations. Learn more

The Best Buy in Public Health

NTDs bring misery to hundreds of millions of people each year, but just 50 cents funds a rapid-impact package of medication to treat an individual for the five most common NTDs.

The Best Buy in Education

Studies show that NTD treatment is the single most cost-effective means of improving children’s attendance and increasing capacity to learn and concentrate in school.

The NTDs we Tackle

Seeing Results


In 2007 in Rwanda, 65% of the population were affected by intestinal worms; it was the second most frequent problem diagnosed in health clinics, followed by respiratory infections. In Burundi, baseline mapping found that both schistosomiasis and hookworm were highly prevalent, in some districts affecting over 40% of the population; yet, health systems were not in place to diagnose and treat these diseases.

In 2007, a four year $7.7 million initiative to fight and control these diseases was launched in Rwanda and Burundi.

Rwanda and Burundi have achieved major milestones by public health standards: By the end of 2011, the program had treated 9.7 million Rwandans and Burundians and trained more than 15,000 community health workers to properly administer de-worming tablets to men, women and children in these two countries – a tremendous success and a demonstration of the role that private philanthropy can play in combating NTDs. The prevalence rates for schistosomiasis, in some areas, have dropped below the WHO threshold of 10% and trachoma is under control.

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