2015 Top-Rated Nonprofit

United Soldiers and Sailors of America - USASOA

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Nonprofit Overview

Mission: At USASOA the mission comes first. That mission is to provide the essentials of life to ill, injured, and wounded veterans and service members through charitable contributions and programs; to protect the interests of veteran-owned businesses, their healthcare, families, and caregivers; and promote their voices through our advocacy and policy work on Capitol Hill. Through the generous support of caring and grateful, everyday Americans, businesses and corporations, our unique programs, services, and events have a direct and meaningful impact on the quality of their lives. Learn more about our successful programs and services by click on the link in the sidebar. And please consider donating as a monthly sustaining member to http://www.usasoa.org/donate/ so we continue to keep funding our mission.

Target demographics: Ill, Injured and Wounded Service Members, Veterans and Their Families

Direct beneficiaries per year: Ill, Injured and Combat Wounded Service Members recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center with Care and Comfort Items Essential for Daily Living.

Geographic areas served: Nationwide

Programs: "Wounded Defenders of Freedom Fund" "Cents for Soldiers", "Boots on the Ground", "Action Alerts", "BBQ for our Heroes" and "Military Appreciation Events" 'Storm The Streets - Homeless Veterans Campaign"

Community Stories

22 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

Client Served

Rating: 5

This is by far one of the very best org's I have found. They talk to you personally and ask for paperwork that my son gets from VA. My son has had to appeal every motion for benefits, except one. He has PTSD, Auditory Hallucinations (which makes for a very difficult day or weeks for both of us,) Schizo-affective disorder, is unemployable, and major depressive disorder- per his psychiatrist and psychologist. They both have sent in their opinions confirming that he needs these benefits.USASOA has been the most helpful of any organization, taking a personal interest in each and every soldier and sailor with disabilities, as I know personally. Please do your best to help, volunteer, or donate to this wonderful org. God bless them!!



Rating: 5

A organization run by local combat veterans, who have been through everything you have and want to give back to the community that has given them so much.

3 Gabriel4

Client Served

Rating: 5

A truly great organization run by local combat veterans, who have been through everything you have and want to give back to the community that has given them so much.

3 Brad29


Rating: 5

A great organization doing great work. Proud to volunteer with them.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I signed up after the attacks of 911 and I joined the US Marine Corps. Not long afterwards I was sent into combat but I never expected that I would be one of the marines that came home missing a leg or another body part but I did. My girl, who I was suppose to marry ended up telling me in a note that she couldnt handle the fact that I couldnt be able to dance at our planned wedding so she split. Needless to say, I sunk onto a pit of hate, despair using booze, drugs and whatever else I could to dull the pain of trying to do what was right for my country and ended up losing my leg, my girl and my future. I didnt want to write this but my therapist also thought it would be a good way to continue releasing my pent up feelings. I lost everything and was about to be homeless. My friends and family tried their best but I wasnt the kind of guy who reached out for help and my physical therapy was long over due. One day not long ago the local Sherrif banged on my door and handed me an eviction notice. I had a few days to get packing and split too. But where? At that point I pretty much alienenated they people in my life but I when I read that eviction notice I began to feel like I wanted to take control again and use the skills I was taught by my Marine Corps. I started to feel a little better. I went to the library too get some internet info on how I could get some assistance since I blew off my VA benefits and that would take some time to get them back on track but I let everything slip for so long that who knows when I would get help again from the military again. I called some nonprofits that say they help the wounded biut with some of them I had to email them and they say on their web site that they would get back too me. The nonprofits organizations that did answer the phones told me that maybe I should to call my local government social services offices and get welfare and one of them told me that they could help but that I would have to fill out a butt load of forms and fax or email them back and then the process might take up to 2 weeks. I started to think that these people were only into making sure they got their pay check and did nt really give two turds about us or if they did care they didnt have their act together. Then I saw this organization, USASoa and I thought what the hell the library was closing and I would be on the street in the morning so I saw they had a number to call but it was getting really late so I didnt think that anyone would actually answer and I was beginning to think of where I might go tomorrow especially since my chair was acting up to. Well, man to my surprise they answered the phone and talked to me for nearly an hour. Well I talked and he listened. I still didnt think I was going to get help esepcially since as I was talking I could here the dude typing away. Anyhow, he was typing as I was talking to find me immedaite help!! When I shut up for a second he had me lined up with a motel to stay in for one week and that all I needed to do was show up and give them my ID and they would give me the room key. They also had a diner at the motel and I had 3 square meals waiting for me everyday. I was shocked and it was like someone reached around and removed the stick that I shoved up my own butt for feeling sorry for myslef to let my life sink so low. I began to think that I needed to regain who I was before all of this happended to me. It just took someone , who didnt even know me, to pull me out of the mud I put myself into and pull me out. I went back to my room where I was about to get evicted and bagged up my duds and called a friend who I havent talked to in a while and asked him to take me to the motel. When I settled in I called John back from USASOA to thank him again and we talked for at least 2 hours, actually he let me talk but it was good to have a buddy to just let me talk it out. As I talked it out I started to understand more about myself and what I needed to do to get my life back on track. John and USASOA saved me from what was going to be something I dont know if I could have survived. Since then I have called John every night and we have talked and his organization is still working with me to get me through everything. He helped me with the VA and I now have an appointment which I never ever thought would happen especially since they still have the huge back log of guys waiting but somehow he got me in. I have an interview for a permanent place to live with two other vets like me and share the place. My typing and spelling isnt that good but I only did this review because if there are any more of my Marine buddies out their or any vets who were banged up in war then this is the real deal dudes. This guy cares and proves it right away and even afterwards. I have a new best friend in John and this organization rocks. To bad I didnt see or now about John or usasoa before this , maybe I didnt have to go through all of this crap I put myself through. Thanks for reading my long message but it feels good to let it out . Semper fi



Rating: 5

Our military fight for our freedom. They risk their lives to keep our great nation safe. USASOA is a wonderful organization run by an incredible group of individuals that recognize and honor those that serve.


Client Served

Rating: 5

As the wife of a wounded warrior and a mom of 3 young children i was at my wits end trying to make up for a shortfall in our household budget this month. My husband lost a leg and partof hisrighthand in an IED explosion when on dismounted patrol in Afghanistan. Our lives have never been the same but he knew that might be a possibility when he signed up right after 911. I feel very lucky and blessed that i have my husband home with me again and with our chikdren. We dont have the life we had prior to my husbands military deployment and injuries and i gave up my job at a local store so i can stay home to take care of him. We live in a rural area so that only complicates things now that our lives have been changed. I realized this month that ni matter how hard i was trying that we just were not going to be able to make it financially. Im the new queen of newspaper coupons and always look for bargains but it wasnt hrlping us this month. It went against the grain but i started contacting nonprofits for help, i didnt know where to go so i stsrted googling for nonprofits that support the wounded.All of the big name nonprifuts came up and i do see tge tv ads whike country singers and tv actirs pleading to the american people for donatiins for the wounded. Long story short, i soon reakized that i was SOL and i dont know who they help but they sure were not going to help us. I had another larfe ninprofut tell me that they coulny help us because too much time elapsed from when my husband was injured. WHAT???? Too much time? My husband has nothing but time now because of his war injuries. Anyhow, i dont want to join the growing voices of many who are trashing these large organizations but how can i not.
Anyhow, I was becoming emotiinally drained but as i kept looking i fiund USASOAs web site and from my initial reading of their mission statemen I thought i hit in the right place for what we needed. Instead if having to email, they also provide a toll free number to call them. I honestly did not expect what was to happen. I was able to talk to a live person right away to explain my situation. The person i talked to was their president, i found that out later. It was amazing to be treated like i was someone important and not someone looking for help. The process was quick, they contacted the Walmart Super Center abiut 40 minutes from us and within one hour i was on my way there to pick up a e-gift card in my name so that i could go grocery shopping. We now had enough food to last us thriugh the month and we would now be able to afford an order of propane that our house needs for heat,cooking and hot water. USASOA may not be one of those larger nonprofits and I for one is very hapoy about that but they have the biggest hearts. I just dont know where we would be right now without them. God bless the wonderful loving people at USASOA


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have worked with USASOA for the past two years. This is an organization that walks the talk by providing care directly to service members and their families.

2 terdelcas


Rating: 5

Excellent group. Please consider donating to this all volunteer group that assists our service personnel.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am really impressed with USASOA. Thank you for your support of our service members who are ill, injured or wounded. I definitely support USASOA. They provide direct support to wounded vets and their families with needed items and support. They are a 100% volunteer organization.



Rating: 5

It has been an honor volunteering with USASOA under the dedicated leadership of John and Chris - for the all-volunteer non-profit. On top of the lives they lead, they have committed themselves to being able to: raise funds through events (Cents for Soldiers, Bull and Oyster Roast, and their Salute to Service Gala), as well as gathering volunteers to canvass different local communities and neighborhoods (Boots on the Ground) to collect donations to be able to provide the basic necessities (food, games/coloring books for the service member's child(ren), and toiletries) that are needed when a service member or veteran becomes ill or injured and recovering at a military hospital.

John and Chris go above and beyond just that as they also do their best to be able to aid service members and veterans that are in remote areas and struggle to provide for their families. One instance I can recall is when John and Chris were able to provide a veteran and his family a gift card to buy food as it was at least an hour drive one way. The wife noted that although they very much appreciated the gift card, she had no gas in her car to be able to go get the food to feed her family. John and Chris went above and beyond and they were able to secure an additional amount of money to provide the family with either an additional gift card (or were able to add to the current gift card) so that they could put gas in the tank for the long trek to Walmart as that was the closest grocery store as they lived in a remote area.

Without the assistance of USASOA, these families would be falling through the cracks. They may even be faced with eviction, getting their power turned off, and left without food for days, weeks, or even months. No child, family, or service member should have to fear what tomorrow brings because they are struggling financially. They served their Country and put their life on the line so that we could live with the privilege of being safe and with our families.

USASOA is a leading example of how to take care of these service members, veterans, and their families and I am honored to have been a part of their journey. I look forward to seeing what the future brings so that they can further their mission and can continue to provide a sense of safety and a feeling that someone does care for the sacrifices that they have made.

"People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel."


Client Served

Rating: 5

USASOA and all of there volunteers are amazing! I can not stress enough how much they helped my family and I in a time of need. They are very thorough and quick to help when their help is needed.


Rating: 5

I have volunteered for this organization for over a year. During that time, I have seen the dedication and commitment everyone within USASOA has to our combat wounded service members/veterans and their families. This organization continues to raise awareness and funds to provide essentials for daily living. It is a true honor to work with such a wonderful nonprofit all volunteer organization that follows through with their core values and mission. I have volunteered for many events and I have seen many events continue to grow for example last year two BBQ's were done for the wounded soldiers and their families at WRAMC and now this year we are doing five. Setting up booths at the Marine Barracks Row again this year to raise awareness of the organization that is here to help our country's wounded service members/veterans and their families, as well as other ongoing events. The leadership within this organization is second to none. Very proud to be a part of such a devoted group of leaders and volunteers.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have personally seen how much time and energy Jon and Chris put into this organization to help wounded service members and have seen the gratitude of these service members and their families.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I can write a novel praising USASOA. They came to my sons aid after he was injured in Afghanistan. They reached out to my family and made sure we had everything we needed. They go the extra mile in assuring our military and vets are taken care of. They honored my son in a recent Gala held in DC. Im forever grateful for all they have done to assure my son is taken care of.
USASOA live and breathe to help our Injured Military, Veterans and their family. They are the REAL DEAL! No paychecks to these angels! They donate their time and energy to make life easier for those that need help. I'm forever grateful for the time they took to honor my son and his family.
God bless them!
Kelly Hirz
Marine Mom


Rating: 5

United soldiers and sailors of America is a wonderful charity. They help wounded warrior's in many ways. My cub scouts and den have worked with them a couple of times. My boys very much enjoy their time at the United soldiers and sailors of a America bbqs at walter reeds for wounded warrior's.

Chris and John do an amazing job. Putting in many long hours to help out veterans



Rating: 5

I cannot even put into words the amazing things this organization does! They know the true meaning of taking care of our Vet's. From visiting them in the hospital, making sure they have essential, daily items, to recognizing them for their service and what they gave for our freedom! The officers of this organization (John and Chris) are on the ground, hands on all the way! USASOA is a coalition partner of the organization I am an officer for and they are always there for us; helping us fulfill our mission while never losing site of theirs! THANK YOU USASOA for all of your hard work and dedication.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

A lot of people talk about taking care of our wounded vets. Then there are people who go out and make it happen. United Soldiers and Sailors really engenders the sense of family that bonds service-members and veterans through their lives. They all volunteer their time and money, going out of their way to do whatever they possibly can to come to the aid of brothers and sisters left behind when government resources prove inadequate in taking care of veterans in need. If there is but one organization that demonstrates a steadfast commitment to the well-being of combat veterans this is that organization. When a vet is tangled in a web of government bureaucracy, when it seems there is no one to reach out to veterans can reach out to their comrades at USASOA. I'm very honored to do whatever I can to aid this group of unsung heroes in their mission to provide aid and comfort to veterans in need. From the leadership of Chris and John to the tireless work of an ever expanding group of volunteers, they are a proven team that is making a real difference in the lives of veterans.



Rating: 5

I have been a donor to the United Soldiers and Sailors of America for the past 2 years. This is an organization that assists our Veterans and wounded soldiers with every thing from comfort care items, financial assistance to providing toys for military children in or visiting the hospitals during the holiday season. They are a volunteer organization that is totally committed to the men and women who have served and are serving our country.



Rating: 5

United Soldiers and Sailors of America is an outstanding charity. It provides care and comfort items that go directly to our combat wounded service members and their families. in addition, it holds fundraisers to provide financial assistance to our troops in their time of need. The volunteers also hold barbecues for the troops recovering at Walter Reed National Medical Center, a truly gratifying experience. This charity is well worth supporting, as they are dedicated to helping these brave heroes.

1 Mary322


Rating: 5

I was on Facebook and noticed there were many "groups" doing different services for military, children, etc. I visited BWI airport in MD for troops returning from service overseas and became interested in helping our soldiers. I noticed this group and sent an email to ask if there was any way I could help them in their mission to help ill and wounded soldiers and their families.
When I met with the President of the group I wanted to know exactly what they did..........you see in my heart I knew what I wanted to do..........and I needed to make sure we were on the same page.
Needless to say I joined this non profit group as a volunteer. USASOA holds many events, my favorite being the BBQ for the ill and wounded soldiers and their families at Walter Reed. It is an honor and very humbling to meet these soldiers. Being a non profit all volunteer group means you have to have it in your heart to help and try to make a difference.........and I believe we do.
Mary Paxton, R.N.