The GiveWell Blog

Deworm the World Initiative (led by Evidence Action) update

Summary The Deworm the World Initiative (DtWI), led by Evidence Action, received approximately $2.3 million as a result of GiveWell’s recommendation last year. While there were some deviations, it largely allocated these funds as we expected. DtWI now has limited room for funding; it is currently seeking to raise an additional $1.3 million to support… Read More

Inaugural open thread

A commenter recently suggested we try out a periodic open thread. Let’s give it a shot! Our goal is to give blog readers an opportunity to publicly raise comments or questions about GiveWell or related topics (in the comments section below). As always, you’re also welcome to email us at if there’s feedback or… Read More

Quick update on Ebola (full update to come later)

At the moment, we don’t see highly time-sensitive giving opportunities that we are likely to recommend around responding to the Ebola outbreak in west Africa. We still plan to put out a detailed blog post describing what we’ve done to investigate the situation and what we think the best options for donors are, but we… Read More

Our ongoing review of GAIN

Note: GAIN has reviewed a draft of this post and added responses below. The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) focuses on reducing malnutrition by fortifying foods and condiments with essential nutrients and through other interventions. We have been considering GAIN for a 2014 recommendation for its work on Universal Salt Iodization (USI) because of our… Read More