Amplify Publisher Program FAQs

“Safe for Ads” Content Guidelines

Videos selected for monetization through the Amplify Publisher Program may not include:

  • Adult sexual content such as nudity/partial nudity or is sexually suggestive

  • Drugs and drug paraphernalia such as references to drugs or getting high

  • Hate, violence, and graphic content such as inappropriate targeting upon or after a sensitive event, such as a natural disaster, high-profile death, or political uprisings

  • Profanity and offensive language

  • Spam or harmful content such as phishing for user information or trying to ‘buy’ followers

Twitter will enforce the above content guidelines using a 3-strike system. If your monetized video includes prohibited content based on the guidelines above, has a sensitive media interstitial inserted, or violates the policies noted in the program’s Terms of Use, your account will receive a strike. Each strike will be handled as follows:

  • Strike 1: Monetization removed from the video and publisher sent a warning via email.

  • Strike 2: Monetization removed from the video and publisher will be unable to monetize videos for one (1) week.

  • Strike 3: Publisher is removed from the Amplify Publisher Program and can reapply for monetization rights after six (6) months.

Additionally, Twitter may remove violating Tweets or video content from the platform, or may ask the publisher to remove such content.



  • Program Set up
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    How do I join the program? How will I know if I’ve been accepted into the program?

    Publishers can apply to be in the program at this link. Publishers will be notified by email of their acceptance and will see a new “Monetization” tab in Media Studio. The program’s terms will appear the next time the publisher logs into These terms are non-negotiable.

    What are the requirements to be in the program?

    • Must be 18 years of age or older.

    • Twitter account must be in good standing.

    • Approved accounts will have to abide by our content guidelines and agree to the program's Terms of Service.

    How do I provide payment information?

    Once the terms of service is accepted, the publisher will be guided through a form to provide payment info.  The publisher must be based in the US and payments can only be made to US banking entities at this time.

    What are the options for payment?

    Publishers can be paid by Direct Deposit/ACH or by Paypal. This selection is made during the set-up process in Media Studio.

    How and when do I get paid?

    Twitter will pay publishers sixty (60) days after the last day of the calendar month in which the earnings occur. For example, June earnings will be paid at the end of August. Payments are sent automatically and an email notification is sent to the contact name in the payment details.

    How do I enter in my tax information?

    Publishers will need to submit a W-9 and enter their tax information for validation. The name entered must exactly match what the IRS has on file. For example, Inc. vs. Incorporated.

    Will you send an invoice?

    Invoices are not sent. Publishers receive an email when the payments are issued. The emails include the publisher account ID, the earnings amount, and the invoice date. The earnings are also listed under the “Monetization” tab in Media Studio once they are processed.

    How will I know my earnings information ahead of the payment window?

    The publisher estimated earnings are shown in the analytics tab. They are on a 2-day delay. They are estimates and there can be deltas between the estimates and the final payments amounts. See the partner terms for additional details.

    Why do I have to enter in the information for each handle? What if I want to get paid as an organization?

    Each handle needs to be set up as its own payee. In Media Studio, publishers can assign an admin to the account who can use their own credentials to access that handle.

    Who will have access to my payment information?

    The publisher who has access to the handle credentials. The payment information is masked once entered and we use a third party processor for the payments. The Twitter finance operations team that oversees the payments will have views into the payees to support the business process.

    Why haven’t I been paid yet?

    There is a $100 threshold for processing payments. Once a publisher hits this threshold, the payments will be sent out.

    Who do I contact for payment questions?

    If you have any questions regarding the status of any of your open payments, please contact us at


  • Publishing
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    How do I monetize the videos?

    During the video uploading flow, publishers will select the “Monetize video checkbox” to opt in a video to the program. Publishers are required to select at least one category that describes the content.

    Do I have to opt-in every video?

    No, it is the publisher’s choice as to what videos are opted into the program. This selection can be made on a video by video basis or setting defaults can be configured in the account settings area.

    Can I use SnappyTV to publish my videos into this program?

    Yes, publishers can use the SnappyTV platform to publish their videos to Twitter and opt them into the program. Contact the SnappyTV support team for access to this feature.

    Can I upload from my phone?

    Yes, mobile uploads into the Amplify Publisher Program are supported on both iOS and Android.

    Can I blacklist specific brands or categories?

    Publishers can blacklist on a handle level or category level. Advertisers also have the ability to blacklist by handle or category.

    How many content categories should I select to describe my video?

    Publishers should be specific and identify their content with tagging that best describes it. The advertisers running in this program are targeting the categories and over selecting and mis-identifying content can lead to content being inadvertently blacklisted by an advertiser.


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