Your gift to the Faculty of Engineering gives us the freedom to respond to the priorities of our students and staff – and secures the future of engineering education at Imperial.

Flexible funding is vital. The needs of our students and researchers change from year to year.

That’s why the flexible funding we receive from the Dean’s Fund is so important. It allows to respond quickly to emerging priorities – and to extend a helping hand when it’s urgently needed.

This year, donations to the Dean’s Fund enabled us to create a pilot project offering practical tools to staff and students struggling with stress, anxiety and depression.

Jeff Magee with studentWe were also able to provide help to students in financial hardship and make small grants to early-career academics to promote blue-skies research.

As Professor Jeff Magee, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, said, “We are pleased and proud to be able to provide this exceptional level of service and support to our students and academics.  I’d like to extend my thanks to you for ensuring we are able to assist extremely promising young engineers who simply require an extra layer of support.”

Our priorities for 2017

With your help the Dean’s Fund for the Faculty of Engineering will continue to invest in our students’ welfare and in frontier research.  Your gift today could help support engineering education at Imperial by funding:

  • Scholarships for the brightest students from around the world
  • Support for students in financial hardship – enabling talented young people from all backgrounds to focus on learning and taking up opportunities out of the classroom.
  • Innovative blue-skies research which is pursuing the answers to tackle today’s global challenges.

Make a gift – to support engineering education today and for the future

Your gifts help to support the items above through important work in our core areas of strength.  Please make a gift today to help the Faculty of Engineering address the future needs of both students and academics, and stay at the very forefront of engineering excellence worldwide.

Together, 460 donors generously gave £120,003 to the Faculty of Engineering Dean's Fund last financial year. Thank you.