Telephone Campaigns are an integral part of our Regular Giving fundraising programme at Imperial. Over a period of between five and six weeks, current students contact thousands of Imperial alumni by telephone, to update them on developments at the College since they graduated,  offer the opportunity to make a donation to one of our current fundraising priorities, and provide information about the many benefits and opportunities available to alumni, who in turn sometimes choose to offer invaluable careers advice. 

Lastly, the Telephone Campaigns offer a wonderful opportunity for our alumni to 'catch-up'. Much has changed at Imperial over the decades, but it is always a source of constant delight for our students and the alumni they speak to, that the things that make Imperial great remain unchanged!

During the three telephone campaigns held in the last academic year, our enthusiastic team of student callers had over 4500 conversations with Imperial alumni across the globe. You can see how our year of conversations went here.

Current CampaignsPrecall

We have recently kicked off our summer Telephone Campaign, following two fantastic six-week campaigns in autumn and spring. A truly international appeal, this campaign will see a team of over 50 current students contacting alumni in more than 70 countries across the globe, including in Europe, Asia, the USA and South Africa. We are very proud of the fact that the Imperial alumni community really is a global one and it is wonderful for our current students to hear that members of Imperial are making a difference in almost every corner of the world, in a wide variety of disciplines and professions, and continue to be so supportive of the College's next generation.

If you would like to support the students' work by making a gift to our current campaign, you can do so by clicking here.

If you would like the opportunity to speak to a current student in a future campaign, please contact Oliver Bennett (Regular Giving Coordinator).  

Your feedback is welcome

We hope that you will enjoy speaking to a current Imperial student. Our team of callers find it hugely beneficial to gain an insight into the careers that alumni have pursued, and are keen to share their own experiences of student life at the College.

If you receive a call, please do let us know your feedback so that we can continue to improve the service we provide, please get in touch.

If you're not sure whether we have the correct details for you, you can update them online.