One of the best ways to adapt quickly to change in IT is to adopt the principles of Agile development. By doing so, organizations can remain competitive and rein in costs.

We have one of the largest full-service Agile practices catering to the Fortune 500. Our team uses popular Agile methodologies for large?scale programs for accelerated software delivery. This helps guarantees lower IT costs, greater productivity and fewer defects.

Assessment and Planning

Services range from assessing readiness to developing recommendations and road maps for continuous improvement. This helps organizations:

Application Development

Our coaches guide project teams to implement a tailored Agile approach based on their organization and culture. We offer expertise in Scrum, feature?driven development, Prototyping etc.

Enterprise Transformation

Our Agile coaches collaborate with clients to craft a unique strategic approach based on the existing framework. We recommend a starting point for organizations looking to achieve a higher level of efficiency, improve time to market and increase stakeholder satisfaction.

Agile development values






Collaborate. Trust. And always embrace change.

Frequently, software projects fail because the cost of implementing new features increases as the complexity of the software increases. Basically, buggy, inefficient design becomes harder and harder to work with as a project goes on. A larger and larger percentage of hours become devoted to rework.

We embrace a flexible, iterative process that allows us to work more efficiently. We emphasize trust, partnership, and collaborative problem solving. We tackle projects as a series of smaller sprints versus as a marathon, so our solutions mirror ever-changing requirements, limiting time spent on re-writes and fixes.

Our process includes the rigorous application of best practices engendered by Agile software development, a combination of scrum project management processes and extreme programming engineering practices.

Get Started

80/20 RULE

Often, 80% of the value of a feature can be delivered for 20% of the planned cost. We can maximize value and achieve releases faster. Our teams use agile methodology to implement its projects. This is based on a document called the Agile Manifesto.

Following is a description of some of the agile practices we use.

Pair Programming

Two heads are better than one, right? We write code in teams of two craftsmen. We pair program for many reasons, among them are: quality assurance, knowledge distribution amongst the team. We also don’t have teams that are less than two developers. Software is written better when there is a diversity of thought in which is expressed by the team members.


Test driven development is very important to us, because it is how we make sure all the code works. Test-driven development is when you write a test before you write the code. For instance, we write a test, watching it fail, then writing the code to make it pass. By running these tests frequently, we are able to be confident that the code works as expected.

Iteration Meetings

Iteration meetings are the heart of a StrategyBeach project, introducing new stories and requirements into the software development process on a set schedule. There are three stages to an iteration meeting: demonstrations, estimations, and the planning game

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance tests are intended for the benefit of both the developers and the customer. They serve as an opportunity for dialogue between the stakeholders of the system. Where the mock-ups demonstrate the visual expectations for a project, the acceptance tests demonstrate the behavioral expectations.

Continuous Integration

Since we are always working on teams, we need to integrate the code from all of the team members. We use source control management tools to help us with the integration. We also run all of our unit and integration tests. This is another quality assurance technique we use to insure that everything is working or rapid feedback when something is broken.

agile application development developer team developing agility