Parent Information


Connolly Ranch Program Goals

Our programs are designed to connect children and families to nature through farm-based education, and to develop the next generation of environmental stewards. We aim to do this by way of three major goals, which are woven into all of our programs: to connect children to nature, to connect children to themselves and to connect children to others. Please see our Mission & Goals Page for more information on what we strive to provide as educators, and our Program pages for more information on specific programs.


What to Bring

  • Children should be dressed in layers as at any time of year we can experience extreme temperatures at the ranch.
  • Closed-toed hiking or athletic shoes are required for participants in all programs to allow for healthy and safe play in our outdoor, rugged environment.
  • All children should bring a sun hat, sunscreen, and a water bottle labeled with their name.
  • For most programs, children will need to bring a hearty lunch and a couple of non-sugary snacks – please consult the Welcome Letter you’ll receive before your program begins for further details.
  • At Connolly Ranch, we operate on a ‘pack in – pack out’ basis, so we highly recommend re-usable containers that can close up any uneaten food.

What Not to Bring

Our policy prohibits campers from bringing the following items to camp: personal sports equipment, animals, weapons, vehicles, alcohol or any drugs other than necessary medications turned in to camp staff upon arrival. Thank you for your cooperation!


Connolly Ranch and Your Child’s Health

We ask that your child be healthy upon arrival and ready to participate in the Connolly Ranch experience. If you have questions or concerns, contact us! We reserve the right not to admit a person who poses a communicable illness threat.

Our program has a busy schedule filled with activity, and is designed primarily to serve children who can meet their own personal needs and can move independently from place to place. If your child has a disability requiring more personal attention, please get in touch with us before registering so we can discuss whether and how their needs can be met at Connolly Ranch.

Connolly Ranch is not a therapeutic environment, nor do we provide psychiatric support.

Please consider these facts when determining if our program is appropriate for your child.


About Health Care at Connolly Ranch

Connolly Ranch staff may only provide very limited health care for campers. 

Connolly Ranch does not provide any medication for campers other than that which is delivered to staff by the child’s parent/guardian. Medication must be in its original container, sealed in a labeled ziploc bag, and accompanied by instructions; all prescription medications must be prescribed in the name of the camper.

If a camper becomes ill or obtains an injury while at Connolly Ranch, the parent/guardian will be notified as follows:

  • For minor injuries such as small cuts or skinned knees, the parent/guardian will receive a report in person at camper pick-up.
  • In the case of major injury and/or illness, the parent/guardian will be notified immediately via telephone to decide on a plan of action.
  • In the case of severe emergencies, professional emergency medical services will be employed.
  • In an emergency situation during which a parent/guardian or other Emergency Contact cannot be reached, the Camp Director may call for emergency medical services without the timely consent of the parent/guardian.
  • In extreme cases, 911 may be called before the parent/guardian is called.


Dropping Off and Picking Up Your Child

Each Connolly Ranch program has its own start and end times – you will receive a Welcome Email in the week prior to participation with details of sign-in and sign-out times.

For any program at the ranch, please park in the main parking lot on Thompson Avenue, near the intersection of Thompson Avenue and Browns Valley Road.  Please park close to your ‘neighbor’ car so each vehicle takes up only one parking spot, and do not block the gate or the road – even temporarily. We appreciate your cooperation and conscientiousness to make sure there is room for everyone.