Support us

Your contribution is needed to sustain this unique educational resource in the Napa Valley. With a mission of connecting kids and families to nature through farm-based education, the Connolly Ranch aims to encourage the next generation of environmental stewards.

The only remaining working farm within the Napa city limits, Connolly Ranch is a piece of history as well as a resource for place-based environmental education. We hope that the ranch will remain a permanent community resource, connecting kids and families with nature for generations to come. Whether learning, working or playing on the farm, we can all benefit from cultivating our sense of wonder during and beyond childhood.

All of our educational programs and field trips, as well as the upkeep of our farm and animals, are supported by private donors, corporate funds, foundations, guests and volunteers.

With your support, Connolly Ranch can continue to serve more than  5,000 kids each year through preschool programs, seasonal camps, and field trips serving low-income schools.

Every dollar counts, and your donation of any amount is gratefully appreciated. Connolly Ranch is a 501(c)(3) educational organization and your gift is tax deductible.




Connolly Ranch
3141 Browns Valley Road
Napa, CA 94558