Connolly Ranch Legacy Fund

Camps and Legacy collage

We invite you to become a member of the Connolly Ranch Legacy Fund—your opportunity to support a legacy for Connolly Ranch.

Connolly Ranch is a rich reminder of Napa’s agricultural past that has been fulfilling its mission of connecting kids and families to nature through farm-based education for 20 years. In her will, Peggy Connolly donated the property to the Land Trust of Napa County in order to preserve the 12-acre farm from encroaching development.

Developing a solid financial future is a priority at Connolly Ranch. Through the Legacy Fund, we are seeking to ensure that we will be here to encourage the next generations of environmental stewards for 20 more years—and far beyond. With your annual gift, you are providing Connolly Ranch with an invaluable resource: a regular, stable source of revenue to support our educational programs, facility improvement, and the development of future projects and programs.

The Legacy Fund comprises a select group of very special members who are committed to ensuring that Connolly Ranch has a reliable source of funding in the coming years. By joining the group and becoming a sustaining donor, you will be playing a very significant role in the future of Connolly Ranch.

Legacy Fund members can support one of Connolly Ranch’s current funding projects or commit to an annual gift of $2,500 to $25,000 per year for five years. A five-year pledge will enable us to focus more of our energies and resources on meeting the challenges ahead, by investing in capital improvements and knowing that our day-to-day educational programs are funded. Your gift will make a direct impact on our ability to provide diverse, hands-on, experiential, environmental education programming for children and families throughout Napa Valley.

Besides supporting Connolly Ranch’s educational programs, facility improvement, and program development on an annual basis, a portion of the Legacy Fund donations will go toward establishing an endowment that will keep your gift growing and supporting Connolly Ranch for years to come.

If you are interested in learning more about the Connolly Ranch Legacy Fund, please contact executive director Jennifer Fotherby by email or by calling 707.224.1894.

Backside Funding Priorities Map

Your contribution will be acknowledged in many ways. Founding members will also be acknowledged on the Connolly Ranch property. We always customize benefits with our donors and according to levels of support and areas of interest.