Christmas Bird Count for Kids

3rd Annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids

When:   December 3rd 2016, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Where:  starts and ends at Napa Library
Why:     Environmental Stewardship, Family Fun, Nature, Exercise
Ages:     Bird Count ages 7-18
Cost:   FREE event (registration required)

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bird count

Join local naturalists from Napa-Solano Audubon and Bay Area families on Saturday, December 3rd, 2016 at the Napa Library from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm for the 3rd Annual Napa County Christmas Bird Count for Kids (CBC4Kids).

Every year for over a century, tens of thousands of  citizen scientists take part in the National Audubon Society’s Annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC), the longest-running wildlife census to assess the health of bird populations. This rigorous event often does not include young children, so in an effort to train future generations of citizen scientists in this country-wide endeavor, Napa-Solano Audubon (NSAS) and Connolly Ranch, in collaboration with our friends at Sonoma Birding and the Napa Public Library, invite families with children ages 7-18 to join us for a half day event to learn some of the important basic elements of this grand old Audubon tradition.

The CBC4Kids was spearheaded in 2007 by Tom Rusert and Darren Peterie of Sonoma Birding, who have expanded this program into a national event. The event brings together all the elements to introduce the next generation of stewards to the importance of birds in the ecosystem, the tradition of annual bird counts and the fun of getting families outside to exercise and engage with the natural world.

Bird Count participants, ages 7-18, will attend a Binocular Boot Camp, teaching them how to properly use and care for their binoculars. Each child will also receive a bird booklet to help him or her get familiar with birds, and keep a record and tally of what he or she sees in the field. Participants will break into groups led by local birding experts, make a short trip to their field location, and spend 1.5 hours in the field discovering and counting birds. Groups will return to the library for lunch and to tally and report on their findings.All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Participants should wear comfortable hiking shoes, dress in layers, and bring a brown bag lunch and binoculars (if possible). A limited number of loaner binoculars will be available.