Support Connolly Ranch


“Teaching children about the natural world
should be seen as one of the most important events in their lives.”

– Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth


As simple as it may sound, the benefits of learning how to connect with nature are tremendous, and we need your help to make an impact in the Napa community through farm-based environmental education.

We know it is important to unplug and get outside, but it’s even more important to develop a love and appreciation for nature that will last a lifetime. We share these lessons at Connolly Ranch every day. And each year, we push ourselves to offer deeper, more enriching experiences, and make stronger connections with our community.

It’s been 25 years since Peggy Connolly protected this beautiful 12-acre property by donating it to the Land Trust of Napa County. To celebrate, we’ll raise enough funds to reach our goal of connecting 10,000 kids and adults to nature in 2017.

How can you be part of this important effort? There are a number of ways.

  • Make a tax-deductible donation here
  • Help us get the word over Facebook and social media.
  • Support a scholarship or sponsor an animal
  • Help fund a project through our Legacy Fund
  • Sign up as a volunteer by contacting

Big CHEERS to you from all of us at Connolly Ranch!
Jen, Farmer Thom, Hylah aka Barn Faerie, Joshie, Miss Em, Tracy, Cowgirl Julie, Karen, Natalie, Farmer Jo, Katie, Kali, Camille and Jesse

Gene Kelly, Chairman of the Board
Sarah Pursell, Vice Chair
Kris Cosca, ED.D
Jeff Dodd
Sarah Mitchell Hansen
Elizabeth Healy
Denise Renteria
Arthur Roosa
Michele Truchard

Barbara Balik
Andy Beckstoffer
Eileen Chiarello
Harold Kelly
Barbara Nemko
Jennifer Putnam
Leona Rice
Gladys Thacher

And all our 86 animals! Suspect, Leona, Kiwi, Coco, Bella, Glenda, Lady, Peep, Daphne, Felize, Meme, Jojo….


Backside Funding Priorities Map

Please contact Jennifer Fotherby at or 707-224-1894, if you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, Advisory Board or a one of our committees.

Remember every donation matters

$25 –   Gives a scholarship to a family for a Saturday “Parent and Child” program
$50 –   Provides a one day camp for a child in need
$100 – Pays for teaching supplies for a farm-to-table field trip for 60 kids
$250 – Allows us to open for free on Walk-in Wednesday
$500 – Gives an interactive, hands-on educational field trip for 30 kids from low income families
$1,000 –  Feeds all our friendly farm animals for an entire month
$2,500 – Helps cover the day-to-day costs of maintaining an educational farm
$5,000 – Completes the construction of a new outdoor classroom!

Your Support Is Valued and Essential to Our Success!

unnamed copyMeet Noe McClung, age 6, the ranch’s youngest philanthropist, who has created a special place in her life for two of our farm animals. Noe is doing chores around the house on the weekends to earn money to feed our newly adopted donkeys, Mae-Mae and Jo-Jo. Noe volunteered to put the $5 she had saved in her piggy bank towards helping feed and take care of our new farm animals.

You, too, can support what’s special and important to you about Connolly Ranch!
For more than 20 years, Connolly Ranch has been fulfilling its mission of connecting kids and families to nature through farm-based education, and we aim to encourage the next generation of environmental stewards far into the future.

We’re thrilled your support this year made it possible to subsidize all our programs, add more free days, provide extra scholarships, create affordable after-school and school-holiday programs, hold our second annual Earth Night and celebrate Harvest Festival, a free community event, with an amazing 1200 visitors.

Bringing these engaging, hands-on activities and events to you is energizing and we can’t wait to do even more! In 2016, with your help, we hope to launch all-ages programs for our Beckstoffer GRAPEGROWERS Barn, leadership- and stewardship-survival camps for teens and pre-teens, and scholarships for families and schools facing challenges. (The charts below highlight our vision).

Please make a tax-deductible contribution using the yellow donate button below to help bring invaluable nature-based education to more visitors of all ages..