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             You are hereHome » About » Our People Our People     FacebookTwitter>Print>Email                     Full-time staff Elie Hassenfeld | Co-Founder and Executive Director. Elie graduated from Columbia University in 2004 with a degree in Religion, and spent the next several years in the hedge fund industry. He co-founded GiveWell in mid-2007.

 Natalie Crispin | Senior Research Analyst. Natalie graduated from Swarthmore College in 2009 with a degree in Economics. She joined GiveWell in July 2009.

 Josh Rosenberg | Senior Research Analyst. Josh graduated from Pomona College in 2013 with a BA in Philosophy and Economics. He joined GiveWell in July 2013.

 Devin Jacob | Operations Associate. Devin graduated from UC Berkeley in 2005 with a BA in History. He received an MA in History from New York University in 2012. In addition to teaching history to college students, he has worked as a bibliographer, used book seller, geology lab assistant, and commercial salmon fisherman. He joined GiveWell in September 2014.

 Sophie Monahan | Research Analyst. Sophie graduated from MIT in 2011 with a degree in Philosophy and Physics. She spent one year at Harvard Management Company and two years in the Philosophy PhD program at the University of Michigan before joining GiveWell in May 2015.

 Catherine Hollander | Research Analyst, outreach focus. Catherine graduated from Yale University with a BA in history. She has worked as a journalist covering economics and health care for National Journal, and as editorial director for Beacon, an independent funding platform for journalism. She joined GiveWell in May 2015.

 Andrew Martin | Research Analyst. Andrew graduated from the University of North Carolina in 2009 with a BA in English and received an MPA from the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington in 2015. He joined GiveWell in August 2015.

 Tracy Williams | Operations Associate. Tracy graduated from Stanford University in 2015 with a BA in Political Science. He joined GiveWell in September 2015.

 Chelsea Tabart | Research Analyst. Chelsea graduated from the University of Queensland, Australia with a BComm in 2008 and from the University of Sydney Law School with an LLB in 2011. She has worked as an Associate to Justice Heydon at the High Court of Australia, and as a commercial and community lawyer. In 2015, she received a Master of Public Policy from the University of Oxford. She joined GiveWell in December 2015.

 Sarah Ward | Director of Operations. Sarah graduated from Oberlin College with a BA in Politics and from UC Berkeley with a JD. She worked as an IP litigator and commercial attorney at law firms in the Bay Area, then specialized in commercial and licensing transactions at Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, WA. Sarah joined GiveWell in January 2016.

 Ahmed Alkhatib | Donations Assistant. Ahmed graduated from the University of San Francisco in 2011 with a BS in Marketing. He has experiences in strategic planning, international relations, and nonprofit administration. Ahmed is passionate about humanitarian aid provision and aviation. He joined GiveWell in March 2016.

 Andrew Nevarez | Administrative Assistant. Andrew graduated from UCLA in 2015 with a degree in Anthropology and a minor in Global Studies. He joined GiveWell in April 2016.

 Christian Smith | Research Analyst. Christian graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2016 with a degree in economics. He joined GiveWell in July 2016.

 Aaron Kavanaugh | Office Manager. Aaron graduated from UC Berkeley in 2012 with a BA in Anthropology. He spent the next several years working for the STD Control Branch at the California Department of Public Health. He joined GiveWell in August 2016.

 Isabel Arjmand | Research Analyst. Isabel graduated from Stanford University in 2016 with a BS with Honors in Management Science & Engineering: Policy and Strategy. She studied global development and public health in Cape Town and Barcelona. She joined GiveWell in September 2016.

 Maryana Pinchuk | Donations Manager. Maryana graduated from Tulane University with a B.A. in English and Russian and joined the Harvard Slavic Languages and Literature PhD program in 2006. Since then, she has worked in community development and product management at the Wikimedia Foundation and Amazon. She joined GiveWell in March 2017.

 Erin Wolff | Donation Relations Assistant. Erin graduated from UC Berkeley in 2013 with a degree in Psychology. She spent the next several years working at an insurance and benefits brokerage firm. She joined GiveWell in March 2017.

Board of Directors Tom Rutledge (Chair) is in the Structured Credit Group at Magnetar Capital, an Evanston, Illinois-based alternative investment manager. During his career, he has also worked in capital markets businesses at JPMorgan, Deutsche Bank, and Merrill Lynch.

 Holden Karnofsky | GiveWell Co-Founder (Secretary). Holden graduated from Harvard University in 2003 with a degree in Social Studies, and spent the next several years in the hedge fund industry. He co-founded GiveWell in mid-2007. Holden is the Executive Director of the Open Philanthropy Project.

 Elie Hassenfeld see bio above.

 Greg Jensen is co-Chief Investment Officer at a major hedge fund, the former supervisor of both Holden and Elie, and one of GiveWell's major financial supporters.

 Tim Ogden (Vice-Chair) is the former Chief Knowledge Officer of Geneva Global, a philanthropic consulting firm devoted to results-oriented grantmaking in the poorest regions of the world. He currently is managing director of the Financial Access Initiative at NYU and an Executive Partner at Sona Partners, a thought leadership communications firm. 

 Cari Tuna (Treasurer) is the President of Good Ventures, a San Francisco-based charitable foundation. (See our policy on working arrangement between GiveWell and Good Ventures.) She is also the President of the Open Philanthropy Project.

 Brigid Slipka is a fundraiser and a writer based in Washington, DC. She has over ten years experience in nonprofit management and philanthropy.

 Rob Reich is a Professor of Political Science at Stanford University. He is Co-Director of Stanford's Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and is the Director of its Center for Ethics in Society.

 Julia Wise is Community Liaison at the Centre for Effective Altruism. She writes about effective altruism at Giving Gladly.

 See a list of former board members here.

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