      Welcome, {$user} [Logout]
  Virtual Servers
 Virtual Servers
Hostname :

Server :

IP Address : 

: :
VPS Management
Hostname Hostname
Password Change Password
VPS Configuration
VNC Password
OS Reinstall
Control Panel
Rescue Mode
Manage IPv6 Subnets
Serial Console
Status Logs
System Alerts
Self Shut Down

Bandwidth Statistics
Limit : Utilised : % utilized :
Network Speed (MB/s)
  Server Stats

Monthly Chart
Launch Instance
Select an existing user OR add a user
If an ISO is selected the machine will be booted from that ISO
Enter the hostname for the VPS. e.g. www.domain.com
The Password of the Root User / Administrator of the VPS
You can specify the number of IPs to assign
( Free)
You can specify the number of IPv6 Subnets to assign
( Free)
You can specify the number of IPv6 to assign
( Free)
The allowed disk space for the VPS
GB ( Free)
The amount of RAM which the VPS will always have
MB ( Free)
The maximum amount of RAM which the VPS can use
MB ( Free)
MB ( Free)
Monthly Bandwidth limit of the VPS. 0 (Zero) for unlimited
GB ( Free)
Recommended Value :
( Cores Max Free)
  Advanced Options

  Edit Instance
Select an existing user OR add a user
The current operating system of this VPS
If an ISO is selected the machine will be booted from that ISO
Enter the hostname for the VPS. e.g. www.domain.com
Leave empty if you do not want to change the current password
You can choose from the IP Pool or specify other IPs
( Free)
You can choose from the IPv6 Subnet List
( Free)
You can specify the number of IPv6 to assign or choose from the IPv6 Pool
( Free)
The allowed disk space for the VPS
GB ( Free)
The amount of RAM which the VPS will always have
MB ( Free)
The maximum amount of RAM which the VPS can use
MB ( Free)
MB ( Free)
Monthly Bandwidth limit of the VPS. 0 (Zero) for unlimited
GB ( Free)
Recommended Value :
( Cores Max Free)
  Advanced Options

  Cloud Resources
Resource TypeLimitUsedAvailable
Number of VMs
Number of Users
Disk Space
IPv6 Subnets
Total Cores
Max Cores / VM
- -
  Change Profile

  User Settings
Choose your preferred language
Choose your preferred theme

  Change Password
Strength Indicator


  Add User

  Edit User

  API Credentials

  Two Factor Authentication

Select Preference :
Select the Two Factor Authentication type and then enter the code to enable it

  Add Reverse DNS
Enter your VM IP address
Enter the Fully qualified domain name

  rDNS Records
   DNS Management

   Manage Zone
Add Zone Record


All times are GMT . The time now is .

Sign in

Forgot Password

Two Factor Authentication

Reset Password