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Welcome to the Armed Forces!

Serving in the armed forces is a good way to gain lots of experience and discipline! While serving their nation, every young man has a chance to show what they are worth and discover their capabilities. The armed forces focus on physical training, discipline, fostering responsibility in a person and mastering a young man’s ability to defend himself and his fellow soldier.

The key elements of motivation in the military service include duty, honor and service in the interests of homeland.

The armed forces give one a chance to see different places of our great country.

Military service leads to changes in personality, just like any other extreme situation, and most young men who take this test become stronger and more hardworking compared to those who have never been in the military.

The armed forces can help you learn a new profession. Most young men join the military immediately after they graduate high school, which means they have no profession yet. The armed forces, however, is a place where you always have something to do, so you have an exciting opportunity to receive a qualification in some field.

One of the benefits of serving in the military is the opportunity to enter a university on easy terms. Russian laws dictate that citizens who had done compulsory military service have a right to join a state university on easy terms, which include replacement of examinations by interviews or reduction in the number of examinations. In some occasions, a young man can take the examinations while serving in the military, provided his military station has a corresponding agreement with one of the state educational institutions. Another option is to receive further education in a military school.

Military service is a requirement for those who want to make a career in certain governmental or official organizations. Many public institutions and organizations do not hire men who haven’t served in the military.

No doubt, serving in the armed forces is not a fun ride, no matter where you find yourself serving your country, but being a real man is being able to take the pain and hardship. This experience will make your further civilian life so much easier.
When you are going to join the military, you should prepare yourself for the service and accommodate to living conditions and life routine long before you start the service.

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