The GiveWell Blog

Responses to blog comments

We’ve had lots of thoughtful comments on the blog lately, and we haven’t had a chance to respond because we’ve been in the process of moving to Mumbai. So I wanted to give a heads up that I’ve now had a chance to respond as appropriate to all comments; see “Recent comments” on the left… Read More

Needed from major funders: More great organizations

In the wake of the recent Giving Pledges, we’ve been discussing what advice we’d give a major philanthropist (aside from our usual plea to conduct evaluations and share them publicly). For the most part, our recommendations and criteria are aimed at individual donors, not major philanthropists. We stress the value of given to proven, cost-effective,… Read More

Philanthropy vouchers

We focus on finding charities that are doing demonstrably good work already, rather than on proposals for new sorts of projects. This post is an exception: we’ve been tossing around an idea for “philanthropy vouchers” that we think could be worth trying in a broad variety of contexts, and we’re interested in others’ thoughts. The… Read More