The GiveWell Blog

Our top charities for the 2012 giving season

Over the past year, we’ve continued to follow and investigate our existing top charities, and we’ve also looked for more outstanding giving opportunities. Today we are announcing our updated top charities: 1. Against Malaria Foundation (AMF). AMF focuses on distribution of insecticide-treated nets to prevent malaria; of all the charitable interventions we know of that… Read More

7 tips for giving efficiently

If you’re planning on giving to charity this holiday season, there are a few simple steps you can take that can save a lot of money – allowing you to give more at the same cost to yourself – as well as reduce hassle. 1. Don’t wait until the last minute. Many donors wait until… Read More

GiveWell’s annual charity recommendations refresh

As we do every year, we’re planning to release updated charity recommendations by December 1st. We’re currently weighing what we’ve learned about the organizations that could receive our top ratings. Currently, the contenders for top spots are Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) (our current #1 charity), Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) (our current #2 charity), and GiveDirectly… Read More

Insecticide resistance and malaria control

A recent Scientific American post discusses a study that may indicate an emergence of “behavioral resistance” to insecticide-treated nets. Mosquitoes in Benin were found to shift their “mean catching time” (roughly speaking, the time of day when they were most likely to be active) from 2-3am to 5am; this may indicate changing behavior to attack… Read More

Giving to GiveWell’s recommended charities helps GiveWell

GiveWell does not solicit donations from the general public. We cover our operating expenses mostly by privately soliciting donations from people (and institutions) who are big fans of our work. This allows us to operate – when dealing with those outside our “inner circle” – as a pure advisor, without having to “compete with our… Read More