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2009 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Jconnect Seattle

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Nonprofit Overview

Mission: Jconnect Seattle creates a meaningful Jewish life for 21-32 year olds through diverse communities and innovative experiences.

Community Stories

91 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Client Served

Rating: 5

JConnect has been great - I've been to some very well-organized and fun parties that managed to also have a great cultural theme. I am also currently taking a class through the Hillel that I was alerted to through JConnect.


Client Served

Rating: 5

JConnect has been a great experience for me as a Jewish student in the Seattle area. Every time I go to an event I make new friends and get valuable face-time with old friends. The programming is flexible and fits my needs and interests for where I am at in my life. Events like the Tu B'av Party and GBLTQ Shabbat are very helpful for me in establishing my own network and community of friends in Seattle.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Great events, involving all sorts of people who wouldn't otherwise be involved in Jewish activities. Creative and meaningful programming. Opportunites to travel to Central America with AJWS, Shabbat retreats, as well as local events. Involvement in the world at large through a deeply meaningful Jewish lens. JHarvest, new this year, has been a fantastic addition to what JConnect offers our community. I've also heard great things about the noontime study/lunches at Microsoft, the Medical School, Social Work School, etc. What a great idea!



Rating: 5

Jconnect is one of the best programs for young professional Jews I have had the pleasure of being a part of. It is how I met the majority of my friends, and helped give me a solid foundation in a Jewish community without having to commit to joining a particular synagogue. Their programming is very well done, and their lean toward progressive, sustainable food culture is commendable.


Board Member

Rating: 5

A great mainstay of the young-ish Seattle Jewish scene, perfect for the many folks who move to Seattle post-college and are looking for a welcoming community.


Board Member

Rating: 5

I have been a supporter of Jconnect since it's founding. If you're a 20-something Jew in the Seattle area, Jconnect is the place you want to be.



Rating: 5

I'm too old to qualify, but I've watched jconnect from its earliest days and I can say it's easily one of the most vibrant and inclusive organizations for the 20somethings. I've encouraged many young people to attend, and they all have given me great feedback.


Client Served

Rating: 5

JConnect has been a place where I have felt fully accepted for all of my identities and encouraged to just be myself in community. From day 1, the rabbi immediately came up to introduce himself to me and made efforts to make me feel comfortable and connect me with others. I am grateful for the essential space this organization provides!


Board Member

Rating: 5

Does a fabulous job of building community for people who might not otherwise have it, especially those who are new to Seattle.


Board Member

Rating: 5

As a Board Member of Hillel for over 35 years I can attest to the great impact JConnect has had in our community. I have seen it grow from an idea to a vibrant organization bringing young Jewish people together for many years with innovative and fun programming. may you go from strength to strength.