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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Environment, Natural Resources Conservation & Protection

Mission: S.A.V.E. is a non-profit community group whose aim is to improve the safety of PA 41 and other area roads for all users while minimizing direct and secondary impacts from transportation projects and maximizing conservation potential in the region. Through public outreach, educational programs, and technical assistance, S.A.V.E. advocates for policies and projects that balance transportation planning with comprehensive land use goals including the preservation of the natural and historic resources, agricultural lands, watersheds, and environmentally sensitive open space of the region.

Community Stories

10 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Board Member

Rating: 5

A great organization that achieves local goals and inspiration for global efforts. They have demonstrated an ability to make wishes realities and an effective out reach so that the general public understands that, in addition to their initial plan to keep Route 41 from unecessary expansion, they will assist any community effort that falls within the guidelines of their mission and their name. They really are all about safety, agriculture, villages and the environment.

Review from Guidestar


Board Member

Rating: 5

working with SAVE has been such an empowering experience because we have actaually accomplished some of our goals.There is not a 4 lane highway on rt. 41, The Mortonville Bridge is almost completed and SAVE is presenting a forum on pipelines tonight as the first one of a series on pipeline safety in Chester County.We received a grant from the USDOT to do that. The impossible has now become attainable.The dedication and knowledge of the other members and volunteers is impressive.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Over the past 40 years, I have watched our beautiful farms and landscape be turned into developments and shopping centers. About 10 years ago, my daughter introduced me to S.A.V.E. I honestly thought that they were fighting an uphill battle, with little hope of changing the direction we were heading. What a surprise to see this little grass roots group take on PennDOT and actually make a difference. Kudos S.A.V.E. I am proud to be a supporter, and thank you for all of your hard work and diligence.


Board Member

Rating: 5

I have watched S.A.V.E. grow from a small group of concerned individuals to an organization providing guidance and support to their community and other nonprofits. S.A.V.E. took on the responsibility of protecting our roadways (and way of life) through public outreach and education. Working together with our community they were able to influence the policies and actions of PennDOT. They have grown and diversified along with the needs of their community and have positively affected the safety and viability of our roads.


Board Member

Rating: 5

Through this organization I have had an opportunity to work with volunteers, an executive director, the public, elected officials, and leading transportation experts. We used a combination of grass roots political efforts and detailed traffic engineering expertise to demonstrate that a two-lane, traffic calmed alternative to a major truck route could save lives, save money, save environmental resources and provide a sustainable solution to the capacity challenges of the roadway.



Rating: 5

S.A.V.E. moved aggressively to thwart a PA DOT project to expand highway 41 from a rural two lane road into a major 4 lane expressway. Under it's reasoned leadership, S.A.V.E. enlisted the local community along with leading experts in the field of traffic dynamics to affect a more practical and sustainable solution. Thanks to their tireless efforts, the PA DOT dropped it's plans for a major highway expansion. This victory preserved not only the scenic qualities of a rural road, but preserved a way of life for many agriculturalist who depend upon easy access, lessened the traffic impact on residents as well as saving the state millions of dollars.



Rating: 5

I think that S.A.V.E. has done a great job with helping with pipeline and transportation issues and I fully believe in their work.



Rating: 5

My experience with S.A.V.E. has been a wonderful experience. The executive director works very hard and is works hard to support S.A.V.E.'s mission.


Board Member

Rating: 4

SAVE is an organization that serves southern Chester County in a way that no other organization does. SAVE advocates the balanced integration of infrastructure (roads and bridges etc.) with comprehensive land use planning to preserve the area's natural and historic treasures.



Rating: 5

S.A.V.E. has been the force behind limiting expansion of the roadways in Chester County - which would then bring more industrial complex sprawl. It has galvanized a community and educated thousand to the issues around roadway safety and thwarted 2 by-passes while instituting traffic calming solutions.

Review from Guidestar