

We find outstanding charities and publish the full details of our analysis to help donors decide where to give.

San Francisco
Gått med april 2009

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  1. 1 jan.

    New material: Conversation with Dr. Melanie Renshaw of ALMA and RBM about current gaps in the supply of LLINs

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  2. If you're still thinking about donating in 2015, here are GiveWell's top charity recommendations:

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  3. Should you take a high-paying job so you can donate more to charity? GiveWell's take on "earning to give"

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  4. Effective Altruism: "Effective altruism" isn't an alternative to "doing what excites us." It *is* what excites us

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  5. Effective Altruism: Our take on the Effective Altruism movement

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  6. GiveWell's research: Does reducing infant mortality decrease birth rates?

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  7. Reports from journalists visiting GiveDirectly and the Deworm the World Initiative and

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  8. GiveWell's research: What we've learned about the history of philanthropy & its successes

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  9. Update on our budget and funding needs:

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  10. Why it's so hard to find good evidence of long-term benefits for health and development interventions

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  11. For individuals looking to give in causes outside global poverty, we've posted suggestions from staff

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  12. GiveWell's research: We answer 7 common questions about cash transfers

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  13. GiveWell's research: Why giving cash might be the smartest way to combat poverty

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  14. New material: Update on a grant to support the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities' Full Employment Project

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  15. GiveWell's research: 6 myths about microfinance

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  16. GiveWell's research: Why we think aid critics provide little reason to worry about the work our top charities do

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  17. GiveWell's philosophy of giving: How we weigh different kinds of arguments against each other

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  18. New material: Scientific Advisor Chris Somerville's thoughts regarding potential cancer treatment 3-bromopyruvate

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  19. If you’re trying to figure out where to give this year and would like to talk, feel free to email

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  20. GiveWell's philosophy of giving: Is giving to charity a type of consumption, or an investment?

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