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Find and follow Collections

See the info you want to see by following Collections that are interesting to you.

How following Collections works

When you follow someone's Collection in Google+, posts they make to that Collection may show up in your stream.

You can follow a Collection without following the person who made it.

Find Collections that interest you

Android app

  1. Open the Google+ app Google Plus application.
  2. Tap Collections .
  3. At the top, tap Featured and scroll through the recommended Collections. Or search for the type of Collection you’re looking for.
  4. To see a Collection, tap the tile with its name on it.
  5. On the Collection you want to follow, tap Follow. Following lets you see posts from that Collection in your home stream.

Mobile browser

  1. Open Google+.
  2. In the Navigation menu, tap Collections .
  3. At the top, tap Featured and scroll through the recommended Collections. Or search for the type of Collection you’re looking for.
  4. To see a Collection, tap its name.
  5. On the Collection you want to follow, tap Follow. Following lets you see posts from that Collection in your home stream.

See another person’s Collections

You can see the Collections another person owns and ones they follow by visiting their profile.

Some of their Collections will show up at the top of their profile. To see other Collections of theirs, tap View all.

Unfollow a collection

Android app

  1. Open the Google+ app Google Plus application.
  2. Tap Collections .
  3. At the top, tap Following.
  4. On the Collection you want to unfollow, tap Following. You’ll no longer see posts from that Collection in your home stream.

Mobile browser

  1. Open Google+.
  2. In the Navigation menu, tap Collections .
  3. At the top, tap Following.
  4. On the Collection you want to unfollow, tap Following. You’ll no longer see posts from that Collection in your home stream.

Get updates about new posts from a Collection

You can choose whether to get notifications for Collections that you follow.

Android app

  1. Open the Google+ app Google Plus application.
  2. Tap Collections .
  3. Tap Following.
  4. Tap the Collection you want to change notifications settings for.
  5. Tap Notifications . When there’s no line through it, you’ll get notifications when something is posted to the Collection.

Mobile browser

  1. Open Google+.
  2. In the Navigation menu, tap Collections .
  3. Tap Following.
  4. Tap the Collection you want to change notification settings for.
  5. Tap Notifications . When there’s no line through it, you’ll get notifications when something is posted to the Collection.

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