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Request the removal of an image of a minor on Google+

You can request the removal of an image of a minor (someone younger than 18 years old) on Google+ if you are the minor who is shown in the image, or if you’re the parent or legal guardian of the minor.

We will generally remove an image of a minor after receiving a valid request. However, we reserve the right to deny requests. For example, we may not be able to remove images that are newsworthy or documentary, have a strong public interest, or include a minor that can’t be clearly seen or identified.

Please keep in mind that a removal request must contain a specific URL and, if the image is re-uploaded, you must file a separate request.

If someone copied an image that you created or content that you own, you can file a copyright complaint.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please contact local law enforcement.

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