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We share your best HDR photos!

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HQSP HDR needs help, how about you?

Are you willing to help us and are you not put off by the hurdles Google plus places on the path of us photographers, let us know what topics you would like to do.
We are looking for help on our HDR page, but possibly more themes will follow.

What does it mean to be a team member:
With a close team, you'd be promoting photography and photographers from all over the world.

What is required?
+ We like a curator to have experience as a (hobby) photographer in the theme he or she curates. (Visible on Google plus.)
+ Time to be an active team member on a regular basis - around one or two hours (once every two weeks on a weekend!)
+ Some time to have a friendly talk in the community every now and then, join in new projects and have some fun!

If you're interested, please comment on this post, tell us what theme(s) you 'd like to help, if you have any questions, ask below.

We'll contact you depending on the theme you have shown interest in curating, that could be soon in the coming months.

Finally, THANK YOU to all that share with HQSP. If you can not curate, that is fine, we still see you as part of HQSP and we love to see your photos.

+Dave Gen +Alexander Tarasenkov +Ekaterina Listova and +Michal Vörös


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Congratulations! Your excellent photo has been selected as Curator Choice for this week and stands a chance to become our page cover for the next week! Good luck and thank you for sharing with us!

Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR Theme.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov
Most Mexican cities and towns have a central square where people meet for large events or just to spend some time with friends. In Mexico this central square is most often called "zocolo". This is the zocolo in Puebla, a charming colonial town near Mexico City. To take this image I found a nice restaurant on the roof of a building on the square and waited for the sun to go down. I enjoyed a drink with some appetizers and took lots of photos. I like the illuminated cathedral against the twilight sky in this image.

For #mexicomonday hosted by +Alberto Carreras +Octavio Alonso Maya Castro & +Mexico Monday
#breakfastartclub hosted by +Simply Arlie & +Breakfast Art Club
#hqspurbanarchitecture +HQSP Urban & Architecture curated by +Dmitry Jurkov
#hqspnight for +HQSP Night curated by +Alexander Tarasenkov
#hqsphdr for +HQSP HDR
#BTPCityscapePro+BTP Cityscape Pro . owned by +Nancy Dempsey , curated by +Dmitry Jurkov
#BTPArchitecturePro+BTP Architecture Pro . owned by +Nancy Dempsey ,curated by +Liudmila D
#LandscapePhotography +Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Eric Drumm +Chandler L. Walker +Krzysztof Felczak +Jeff Beddow +H Peter Ji +Dorma Wiggin

#mexico #puebla #btpdailyhighlights +BTP Daily Highlights the Best Photo #btpeditorschoice +BTP Editors' Choice (Top Photo page) +Top Photo (BTP)

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HQSP thinks you may really enjoy this excellent work.
Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.
If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov

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HQSP thinks you may really enjoy this excellent work.
Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.
If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov

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HQSP thinks you may really enjoy this excellent work.
Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.
If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov
Am Freitag hat's den ganzen Tag geregnet, erst am Abend verzogen sich die Wolken und die Abendsonne zeigte sich. Deshalb zog ich nach der Arbeit noch mal kurz mit der Fotoausrüstung los. Leider waren alle Insekten noch versteckt, ich hatte kein Glück. Die Kamera schon in der Tasche wollte ich noch einen Moment die Abendsonne geniessen, als plötzlich Nebel aufzog. Für einen kurzen Moment verdeckte er sogar die Sonne, verzog sich aber genau so schnell wie er gekommen war. In einem Bild konnte ich das gar nicht festhalten, viel zu hell war das Sonnenlicht im Nebel. Ich habe ein paar Belichtungsreihen vom Stativ aus gemacht und so sieht das aus, wenn ich das in Lightroom als HDR zusammenfüge.

On Friday it was raining all day long. Only in the evening the clouds slowly disappeared and the sun came through. Therefore I decided to go on a short tour with my camera, hoping to find some insects. Unfortunately I didn't. The camera already in the bag I wanted to enjoy the evening sun before I went home. Then suddenly fog rose up the hill and even covered the sun for a moment. The light was much too bright to capture this in a single shot. Therefore I made some exposure series from the tripod. And this is how it looks when I add these pictures in Lightroom to a HDR picture.

#hqsphdr for +HQSP HDR
#BTPLandscapePro+BTP Landscape Pro . owned by +Nancy Dempsey ,curated by +Nancy Dempsey

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HQSP thinks you may really enjoy this excellent work.
Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.
If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov
ein wenig Abendstimmung....04
nun ist aber auch Schluß....
das allerletzte vom vergangenen Sonntag Abend....:-))

#Fujifilm #XT20
#BTPLandscapePro – +BTP Landscape Pro . owned by +Nancy Dempsey ,curated by +Nancy Dempsey

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HQSP thinks you may really enjoy this excellent work.
Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.
If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov

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HQSP thinks you may really enjoy this excellent work.
Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.
If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov

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HQSP thinks you may really enjoy this excellent work.
Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.
If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov
Steel life :)

Moscow, Russia, Canon 24-105 F/4L

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HQSP thinks you may really enjoy this excellent work.
Why not add the photographer to your circles so you can +1 and comment more of their work.
If you like this entry, please +1 and/or comment here too.

Beautiful capture! Thank you for sharing with HQSP HDR.

Shared by Alexander Tarasenkov
Have a beautiful week :))

"We drive so far, to get away
Never look back, we don't care about nothin' else
A sweet escape
Gotta break free, like a shooting star
Let the skyline guide us
We don't care about nothin' else
A sweet escape
Feels like heaven, nothing can stop us now

We run away, a sweet escape
Nothing can hold us down
Just like a wave that never breaks
Nothing can stop us now
And if you fall, I'll pick you up
I'll follow you 'til the end of time
We run away, a sweet escape
Nothing can stop us now
Nothing can stop us now
Nothing can stop us now
Nothing can stop us now

All lights go out and fade away
Never lose faith, leave all of your fears behind
A sweet escape
Gotta break free, with an open heart
Let the sunshine find us
We don't care about nothin' else
A sweet escape
Feels like heaven, nothing can stop us now

We run away, a sweet escape
Nothing can hold us down
Just like a wave that never breaks
Nothing can stop us now
And if you fall, I'll pick you up
I'll follow you 'til the end of time
We run away, a sweet escape
Nothing can stop us now
Nothing can stop us now
Nothing can stop us now
Nothing can stop us now
And if you fall, I'll pick you up
I'll follow you 'til the end of time
We run away, a sweet escape”
Nothing can stop us now”
(Alesso - Sweet Escape)

#BreakfastArtClub +Breakfast Art Club
#myfavpicoftheday +My Fav Pic of the Day
#showyourbestwork +ShowYourBestWork
#WeeklyPhoto +WeeklyPhoto page
#LandscapePhotography +Landscape Photography
#hqsplandscape +HQSP Landscape
#BTPLandscapePro +BTP Landscape Pro
#hqsphdr +HQSP HDR
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