Configure your dropbox

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content Manager to manage their copyrighted content.

After your partner representative creates your dropbox, you need to configure the defaults for your account.

To configure your dropbox:

  1. Sign in to the Dashboard for your YouTube content owner.

  2. Click Uploader settings in the Content Delivery box.

  3. Record the name and address of the dropbox.

    You’ll need this information to connect to the dropbox.

    The blue bar shows the name. For Aspera dropboxes, the name starts with asp-; for SFTP dropboxes, the name starts with yt-. The address for an Aspera dropbox is shown as the Dropbox Address; the address for an SFTP dropbox is

    Accounts with numerous content owners may have more than one dropbox. Make sure you record the information for your dropbox.
  4. Confirm that the Default YouTube User and SSH Public Keys are correct.

    The default YouTube user identifies the account (channel) that will be designated as the owner of your uploaded videos if the content feed doesn’t specify a different owner.

    The SSH Public Keys box should contain the SSH key you provided to your partner representative. Be sure that the key includes your email address at the end.

  5. In the Upload Notification Emails text box, enter one or more email addresses where you want YouTube to send status reports.

    Separate multiple email addresses with a space.

  6. Click Edit Dropbox Account to save your changes.

Please note that a dropbox is per content owner and not channel. In other words, you can upload to several different channels using just one dropbox.

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