Our Mission

With a mission of connecting children and families to nature through farm-based education, Connolly Ranch aims to encourage the next generation of environmental stewards.

At Connolly Ranch, kids and families learn about farm life, the role of animals, ecology, sustainability, and an appreciation for nature. We teach organic gardening, the sources and benefits of healthy foods and knowledge of how nature works to sustain us. Connolly Ranch supports a diverse community with more than 9,000 people visiting each year through field trips, family classes, events, early childhood programs, seasonal camps and open farm days.

Peggy Connolly’s generous donation allows Connolly Ranch to serve 70 percent of students in the Napa Valley Unified School District. In her will, Connolly donated the property to the Land Trust of Napa County in order to preserve the 13-acre farm from encroaching development. Since 1991, Connolly Ranch has served the Napa Valley as a unique educational center providing hands-on experiences for children of all ages.