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             You are hereHome » About » Donate Donate to GiveWell's Recommended Charities     FacebookTwitter>Print>Email                    Our top charities are evidence-backed, thoroughly vetted, underfunded organizations.

  We recommend charities according to how much good additional donations can do. We examine charities' overall quality and cost-effectiveness, as well as what more funding would enable them to do. We regularly publish discussions of our top charities' strengths and weaknesses.

 Donations to support GiveWell's recommended charities are tax deductible for donors in a number of countries. Learn more here.

      Against Malaria Foundation 

    Preventing deaths from malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria is one of the leading killers of children in Africa. Insecticide-treated nets prevent deaths and many other non-fatal cases of malaria and are relatively inexpensive — about $5 per net. (For more details, see our full report on nets.) We believe that AMF effectively expands access to nets. Read More 

 Donors in many countries are able to make tax-deductible donations to AMF. Details here.


      Charities supporting deworming programs 

    Treating people for parasite infections in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. The charities listed below support programs that treat people for parasitic worm infections that can cause short-term symptoms and may impact children's long-term development and earnings in adulthood. These worms are extremely inexpensive to treat. (For more, see our full report on deworming.) 

   Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI) The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative advocates for, funds, provides technical assistance to, and monitors government-run deworming programs. SCI has a strong track record of starting and scaling up deworming programs. It has a fairly strong track record of demonstrating that its programs are effective. Read More


   Deworm the World Initiative, led by Evidence Action The Deworm the World Initiative advocates for, funds, provides technical assistance to, and monitors government-run school-based deworming programs. We believe that Deworm the World, of the deworming charities we have evaluated, has the strongest track record of demonstrating that its programs are effective. Read More


   END Fund (deworming program only) The END Fund manages grants, provides technical assistance, and raises funding for controlling and eliminating neglected tropical diseases, including deworming. We recommend the END Fund's work on deworming programs because we believe the END Fund is in a strong position to identify opportunities to start and scale-up deworming programs. Our recommendation is only for the END Fund's work on deworming programs. Read More


   Sightsavers (deworming program only) Sightsavers advocates for, funds, provides technical assistance to, and monitors deworming programs as part of its work to prevent and treat neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Deworming programs are similar to Sightsavers' other NTD programs and Sightsavers has a fairly strong track record with respect to its NTD programs, although its track record on deworming programs, specifically, is more limited. Our recommendation is only for Sightsavers' deworming program. Read More


   Donors in many countries are able to make tax-deductible donations to the Deworm the World Initiative, END Fund, Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, and Sightsavers. Details here.

      Malaria Consortium (seasonal malaria chemoprevention program only) 

    Preventing deaths from malaria in Africa. Malaria is one of the leading killers of children in Africa. Strong evidence suggests that seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) programs—preventative treatment for young children during the peak malaria season—substantially reduce cases of malaria. (For more details, see our interim report on SMC.) We believe that Malaria Consortium effectively reaches a large proportion of children targeted by its SMC programs. Our recommendation is only for Malaria Consortium's SMC program. Read More 

 Donors in some countries are able to make tax-deductible donations to Malaria Consortium. Details here.



   Distributing cash to very poor individuals in Kenya and Uganda.  Directly transferring money to poor individuals allows them to purchase that which they believe will help them most. Strong evidence indicates that cash transfers lead recipients to spend more on their basic needs (such as food) and may allow recipients to make investments with high returns, with no evidence of large increases in spending on items like alcohol or tobacco. (For more, see our full report on cash transfers.) We believe that GiveDirectly effectively distributes cash to extremely low-income individuals. Read More

 Donors in many countries are able to make tax-deductible donations to GiveDirectly. Details here.


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  Standout charities The organizations listed below support programs that may be extremely cost-effective and are supported by some evidence. We do not feel as confident in the impact of these organizations as we do in our top charities; the charities listed below may be implementing programs with weaker evidence bases, may have shorter track records, or may collect less monitoring information than our top charities. 

 Although we don't recommend these organizations as strongly as we do our top charities, they stand out from the vast majority of organizations we have considered in terms of the evidence base for their work and their transparency, and offer additional giving options for donors who feel highly aligned with their work. We have published reviews of all of these organizations.

 Development Media International produces mass media to promote improved health behaviors in developing countries. Food Fortification Initiative works to reduce micronutrient deficiencies through advocacy and assistance to countries implementing food fortification programs. The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)'s Universal Salt Iodization program aids salt iodization programs in developing countries. Iodine Global Network (IGN) aids salt iodization programs in developing countries. Living Goods supports a network of community health promoters in sub-Saharan Africa. Project Healthy Children works to reduce micronutrient deficiencies by assisting small countries with their food fortification programs. 

Donate to standout charities 

  Tax-deductibility of donations to our top charities Donations to GiveWell are tax-deductible in the US, and we are able to take donations for the support of any of our top charities. In addition:

 Charity-specific considerations. Gifts to the Against Malaria Foundation are tax-deductible in several countries, including the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and Australia. Gifts to SCI and GiveDirectly (through this link) are tax-deductible in the UK. It is possible for UK donors to make tax-deductible gifts to Sightsavers, the END Fund, and Malaria Consortium (credit card donations only), though donors will need to specify how their donation should be used if they want to support the specific programs we recommend. Giving What We Can Trust (see below) plans to add these charities shortly and we will then recommend giving to the Trust for Sightsavers, the END Fund, and Malaria Consortium to ensure that donations are designated for the specific programs we recommend. Donors in India, Ireland and Italy can also make tax-deductible gifts to Sightsavers. Gifts to the Iodine Global Network are tax-deductible in Canada. UK donors can make a tax-deductible donation to the Giving What We Can Trust for the support of one or more or GiveWell's recommended charities. Only charities listed on the form are currently eligible – more may be added later. Donations by UK tax-payers via the trust are eligible for Gift Aid. German and Swiss donors can make a deductible donation to Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung or Effective Altruism Foundation for the support of GiveWell or one or more of our recommended charities. Canadian donors can make a tax-deductible donation to Charity Science to support GiveWell or GiveWell's recommended charities. Donors can give online through PayPal (2-3% processing fee) at Charity Science's website, or, for donations greater than $1,000, can contact Charity Science at for more information about giving by check or bank transfer (low or no fees). For information about giving for GiveWell-recommended charities not on the list, please email Note that there is an aggregate limit to how much Charity Science can give to charities that are not registered in Canada, so donors considering giving a gift of $5,000 or more for GiveWell, GiveDirectly, Deworm the World Initiative, Sightsavers, Malaria Consortium, the END Fund, GAIN, DMI, or Living Goods should contact Charity Science or GiveWell before donating. Australian donors can make a tax-deductible donation to Effective Altruism Australia and earmark the donation for one of several GiveWell recommended charities. Only charities listed on the form are currently eligible – more may be added later. (Australian donors wishing to give to the Against Malaria Foundation can make a tax-deductible donation directly to that organization – see above.) More information on tax-deductibility of donations to our top charities.

   Donate to GiveWell     Donate Online   You can donate online by using the button below: 


 You may give an unrestricted donation to GiveWell, which we may choose to either use for operating expenses or to grant to recommended charities, or you may choose to give funds that we will only grant to recommended charities.

 *If you have any trouble using the form linked above, we can also accept credit and debit card donations through Paypal.

       Donate By Mail   You can donate to GiveWell (a.k.a. The Clear Fund) by sending a check made out to GiveWell to:


GiveWell 182 Howard Street #208 San Francisco, CA 94105 You may give an unrestricted donation to GiveWell, which we may choose to either use for operating expenses or to grant to recommended charities, or you may choose to give funds that we will only grant to recommended charities. If you would like us to grant your donation to recommended charities, please specify this on the check donation form (Microsoft Word version here). If you do not designate how you would like your donation to be used, we will treat it as an unrestricted donation.

 Donating to support GiveWell's recommended charities as a gift for a friend or family member? Download, fill in, and print our gift acknowledgement letters.

     Donate to GiveWell's Operations Using the button below, you can make a donation to support GiveWell's operations:


 Discuss these charities with GiveWell staff If you'd like to discuss our research and top charities with a GiveWell staff member, you can request a call here. 

                      Recommended Allocation  We recommend that donors give 75% of their donation to the Against Malaria Foundation and 25% to the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, or give to GiveWell for making grants at our discretion. We will put the funds toward the highest priority funding needs of our top charities.

 Our recommendation takes into account the grants we have recommended to Good Ventures and charities’ other sources of funds. We recommend charities according to how much good additional donations can do.

 More details in this post.


     Questions About Donating?   Please visit our Information About Donating page for more information about options for donating to our recommended charities—including information about making donations via credit card, check, PayPal, and more—as well as frequently asked questions about donations.

     Tips for Donating  We recommend that donors giving gifts smaller than $1,000 donate online by credit card (here's why) and larger donors consider their options for giving efficiently. We suggest that all donors try to get a tax benefit and consider whether possible future tax policy changes might affect when they should give. More

             Home Contact Stay updated FAQ For Charities Site map Open Philanthropy Project       Follow Us: Facebook Twitter RSS   Subscribe to email updates:   GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share alike 3.0 United States License          try { clicky.init(78566); }catch(e){}