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As a company, we have world-class brands, infrastructure, and resources. But we are nothing without your brilliance.
Activision is known for its world-class brands and constant drive to innovate. The brilliance and passion of the people that work here is what brings our ideas and innovations to life. We deeply value the distinctive skills and experience military veterans bring to the Activision team. At the same time, veterans are likely to recognize and embrace our core values. They are passionate professionals, results-oriented, eager to take responsibility and know whole-heartedly what it means to be All In. Our commitment to veterans is both broad and deep. In 2009 we founded the Call of Duty Endowment, a non-profit dedicated to finding, funding and growing the most efficient and effective job placement services for veterans. To date it has funded the placement of over 14,000 veterans into high quality careers at less than 1/3 the cost of federal government efforts. In 2013 we founded ActiVets, an affinity group of Activision veterans who strengthen their own bonds, help each other succeed at the firm and assist Activision in making more meaningful contributions to the Veteran community. Finally, in 2014 Activision initiated its annual Veterans Day of Service. Hundreds of Activision employees loaded up on busses and travelled to work sites around the Greater Los Angeles and Minneapolis areas to support local Veteran organizations. From painting, to landscaping, to upgrading a gym or replacing a large ceiling, our projects are based on the outstanding needs of those local organizations. The day of service is our way of directly showing support for our veterans.
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The Endowment has funded the placement of over 14,000 veterans into high quality careers. Click Call of Duty Endowment for info on how you can benefit from or support its efforts.
Activisionaries - Brian Stann
Video-Game Giant Puts Veterans Groups Under the Microscope Before Giving