The Portsmouth Yardstick

A scheme operated jointly by the RYA and its affiliated clubs.
Upload and analyse race results, and get handicap recommendations.

What do you get?

The basis of this website is to build a usable Club Return to be considered in analysis for the following years RYA Portsmouth Number list. However, in order to produce a usable return, clubs need to make sure that the numbers returned to the RYA accurately reflect your clubs boats performance on your club waters.

By analysing race results, the website will offer a list of recommended Portsmouth Numbers forming a club list which is catered specifically to your club!

How to register

Once you have registered your club details, you will be contacted by the RYA with your Club ID which will form your login. Please note this make take a couple of days and if you experience a prolonged delay please email

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Latest Uploads

Date Club Race
10 May Silverwing Sailing Club Tuesday Evening 2017
10 May Nottinghamshire County 2017 Starboard Series Thursday Handicap Fast Helm
10 May Blithfield Sailing Club SPRING SERIES 2017
09 May Cransley Sailing Club P and B Northamptonshire Youth Series All Fleets 7.5.17

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