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Who Is Oatley2112?[edit]

Hw-shakespeare.jpgThis user has written books, novels or plays that have been published.

Hi - I'm Alexander Canduci, and as you can see from my interests, I love history. I am also a published author on, you guessed it, history.

This is a list of the books I have written:


About Me
Australia globe stub.svgThis user comes from Australia.
New South Wales locator-MJC.pngThis user comes from Sydney.
Nuvola apps amor.svgThis user has a wife.
DadThis user is a father and proud of it!
Flag of Italy.svgThis user is of Italian ancestry.
SYDNEYThis user attends or attended the University of Sydney.
BAScThis user has a Bachelor of Applied Science degree.
en-GBThis user can speak British English.
Usdollar100front.jpg +This user, like every other sane person, wants to be paid more.
Music and Other Interests
Masterkeyboard.jpgThis user appreciates progressive rock.
RUSHThis user has no heart to lie.
YESThis user is a fan of the band Yes.
DTThis user is a fan of Dream Theater.
IQThis user has woken up on the Wrong Side of Weird.
The WhoThis user won’t get fooled again.
Nick Barrett at BalticProgFest (2008-07-25)1.jpgThis user wishes he had the Wisdom of Solomon.
JTThis user is thick as a brick.
GGThis user lives in a Glass House.
Babylon 5 1994 logo.svgThis user is a fan of Babylon 5.
FR for Futurama Userbox.svgGood news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!
d'oh!This user thinks The Simpsons is simply...excellent.
Arda.Tengwar.svgThis user is a fan of
The Lord of the Rings.
DON'T PANICThrough a time warp this user edits the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
DWThis user is a Time Lord
San prospero colonne reggio emilia.jpgThis user is a history buff.
Ankh.pngThis user is interested in ancient civilizations.
Spqrstone.jpgThis user is interested in ancient Rome.
Palaiologos-Dynasty-Eagle.svgThis user is interested in the Byzantine Empire
30This user is interested in the History of the Papacy.
Leprosy victims taught by bishop.jpgThis user is interested in the
Middle Ages
1099jerusalem.jpgThis user is interested in the Crusades.
Theod1.jpgThis user is interested in Late Antiquity.
Europe satellite orthographic.jpg
This user is interested in the history of Europe.
Sir Anthony Van Dyck - Charles I (1600-49) - Google Art Project.jpgThis user is interested in the history of the English Civil Wars.
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
This user is interested in the history of the lands comprising the United Kingdom.  
Sutton Hoo helmet 2016.pngThis user is interested in the Early Middle Ages.
Tophane Place Istanbul.jpgThis user is interested in the Ottoman Empire.
Coat of Arms of Russian Empire.svgThis user is interested in the
Russian Revolution
Henry-VIII-kingofengland 1491-1547.jpgThis user is interested in theEnglish Reformation

Contributions to Wikipedia[edit]

Roman / Byzantine History[edit]

Created articles[edit]

Roman History[edit]

She-wolf suckles Romulus and Remus.jpg

Major contributions/rewrites: Alexander Severus - Anicius Faustus Paulinus (consul 298) - Anicius Faustus Paulinus (suffect consul) - Antoninus Pius - Aulus Terentius Varro Murena - Avidius Cassius - Battle of the Bagradas River (49 BC) - Battle of Tzirallum - Battle of Utica (49 BC) - Caeionius Rufius Albinus - Carus - Cilicia (Roman province) - Claudius Gothicus - Constans - Constantine II (emperor)‎ - Constantius Chlorus - Egnatius Lucillus - Egnatius Victor Marinianus - Farnobius - Flavius Licerius Firminus Lupicinus - Florianus - Gaius Caeionius Rufius Volusianus - Gaius Caninius Rebilus - Gaius Fulcinius - Gaius Livius Drusus - Gaius Maenius - Gaius Marius the Younger - Gaius Norbanus - Gaius Norbanus Flaccus - Gaius Silius - Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus - Galerius - Glycerius - Gnaeus Cornelius Dolabella - Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus - Gnaeus Egnatius - Gnaeus Octavius - Gordian I - Gordian II - Gratian (usurper) - Heraclianus - Honorius (emperor)‎ - Ingenuus - Laelianus - List of Roman governors of Syria - List of wars involving Rome - Licinius‎ - Lucius Arruntius Camillus Scribonianus‎ - Lucius Caesennius Lento - Lucius Caesonius Ovinius Manlius Rufinianus Bassus - Lucius Egnatius Victor - Lucius Egnatius Victor Lollianus - Lucius Gellius Publicola (consul 72 BC) - Lucius Manlius Torquatus - Lucius Neratius Marcellus - Lucius Porcius Cato - Lucius Postumius Albinus (consul 234 BC) - Lucius Quinctius Flamininus - Lucius Scribonius Libo - Lucius Sempronius Atratinus - Lucius Valerius Claudius Acilius Priscillianus Maximus - Lucius Valerius Claudius Poplicola Balbinus Maximus - Lucius Valerius Messalla Apollinaris - Lucius Valerius Messalla Thrasea Priscus - Lucius Volcatius Tullus (consul 66 BC) - Lucius Volcatius Tullus (consul 33 BC) - Mamercus Aemilius Lepidus Livianus - Manius Aemilius Lepidus (consul 66 BC) - Marcus (usurper) - Marcus Aurelius Marius - Marcus Aurelius Probus - Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus - Marcus Claudius Tacitus - Marcus Cocceius Nerva (consul 36 BC) - Marcus Domitius Calvinus (praetor 80 BC) - Marcus Nummius Umbrius Primus Senecio Albinus - Marcus Plautius Silvanus - Marcus Valerius Corvus - Marcus Valerius Laevinus - Marius Maximus - Maximinus Thrax - Pertinax - Pescennius Niger - Petronius Maximus - Philip the Arab - Postumus - Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus (consul 79 BC) - Publius Sulpicius Galba Maximus - Pupienus - Quietus - Quintillus - Quintus Anicius Faustus - Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius - Quintus Egnatius Proculus (suffect consul 219) - Quintus Fabius Maximus - Regalianus - Roman civil wars - Roman Dacia - Septimius Antiochus - Sextus Cocceius Anicius Faustus Paulinus - Sextus Martinianus - Tetricus I - Tiberius Julius Pollienus Auspex - Trebonius - Tribuni militum consulari potestate - Valentinian III - Valerianus Minor - Valerius Maximus (consul 327) - Valerius Maximus Basilius (urban prefect 319) - Victorinus

Byzantine History[edit]


Major contributions/rewrites: Alexios I Komnenos - Arbazacius - Basil the Physician - Byzantine–Norman wars - Constantine IV - Constantine IX Monomachos - Constantine X Doukas - Constantine Laskaris - Ecthesis - Isaac II Angelos - John Doukas, Caesar - Justinian II - Konstantios Doukas - Leo VI the Wise - Michael IV the Paphlagonian - Michael VI Stratiotikos‎ - Michael VII Doukas - Monothelitism - Nikephoros III Botaneiates‎ - Nikephoros Basilakes - Nikephoros Bryennios the Elder - Nikephoros Diogenes - Nikephoros Melissenos - Patriarch Nicholas III of Constantinople - Romanos IV Diogenes - Staurakios - Tiberios III - Tiberius II Constantine - Theodora (11th century) - Zoe Porphyrogenita

Other History[edit]

Tophane Place Istanbul.jpg

Created: 14 regions of Medieval Rome - Lateran Council (769) - Lateran Council (964) - Retrial of Joan of Arc - Synod of Rome (721) - Synod of Rome (732) - Synod of Rome (963) - Synod of Rome (964) - Synods of Rome (731)

Major Contributions/rewrites: Aeropus I of Macedon - Alcetas I of Macedon - Antipope Constantine II - Antipope Philip - Arnulf of Carinthia - Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor - Guy III of Spoleto‎ - Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor - Henry VI of England - Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor - Joan of Arc - Lambert II of Spoleto - Lothair III, Holy Roman Emperor‎ - Louis the Blind - Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor - Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor - Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor - Philip I of Macedon - Philip II of France - Pope Benedict V - Pope Celestine II - Pope Damasus II - Pope Gregory II - Pope Gregory III - Pope Gregory IV - Pope Honorius II - Pope John X - Pope John XVII - Pope Leo V - Pope Leo VI - Pope Leo VIII - Pope Lucius II - Pope Marinus II - Pope Severinus - Pope Sergius III - Pope Stephen III - Pope Stephen IV - Pope Stephen VII - Pope Stephen VIII - Pope Valentine - Seventeenth Council of Toledo - Theophylact I, Count of Tusculum