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Schedule video publish time

You can use scheduled publishing to schedule a private video to go public at a specific time.

You have to first set the video as "scheduled" or "private" on the upload page. Then, you can set the date, time, and time zone that you want your video to be published. The video will stay private until the scheduled time. 

"Published on" date on watch page

When you make a video public on YouTube, the "published on" date on the watch page is based on Pacific Standard Time (PST). If you want to make a video public with a specific date on the watch page, make sure that your video is uploaded or scheduled to go public for that date in Pacific Standard Time.

You may see a different publishing date on the watch page than the one you see in your Video Manager if you:

  • Upload a public video in a timezone ahead of PST
  • Schedule a private video to go public at a specific time in a timezone ahead of PST

Schedule a video to publish later

To schedule a video's publication time, you have to first set the video as "scheduled" or "private" on the upload page.

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. In the top right, click Upload.
  3. On the upload page, select the privacy drop-down menu, and select Scheduled or Private.
  4. Upload the video using the upload instructions. Your video will begin processing.
  5. In the Basic info window, set the date, time, and time zone that you want your video to be published. You can also add a message to subscribers here.
  6. At the top of the screen, click the Publish button to confirm scheduled publication. The video will stay private until the scheduled time.

Edit scheduled publication time

You can change the scheduled publish time or publish the video right away.

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. In the top right, click your account icon > Creator Studio.
  3. Click Video Manager > Videos. Next to the video, you'll see Scheduled.
  4.  Next to the scheduled video, click Edit > Info and Settings.
  5. In the Basic info tab, you can adjust the scheduled publish time or change the video to Public to publish it immediately.
  6. At the top right, click Save changes.


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