Jeff StoneCuenta verificada


Cybersecurity & privacy news Pro. Proudly stuck with a Buffalo accent. Let's talk: Jeff[dot]Stone[at]WSJ[dot]com

Se unió en julio de 2012

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  1. Tweet fijado
    25 ene.

    WSJ Pro has a new cybersecurity newsletter, with new stories 5 days a week. I'm biased, but it's awesome. More here:

  2. retwitteó
    hace 54 minutos

    JUST IN: Senate votes to repeal web privacy rules, allowing broadband providers to sell customer data w/o consent including browsing history

  3. retwitteó
    25 abr. 2015

    Oh my god What if everything slows down at rush hour because we live in a simulation and it can't handle the number of objects on-screen

  4. hace 20 horas

    DoJ building "cases" against Chinese middlemen who may have helped North Korea carry out the SWIFT/Bangladesh attack

  5. retwitteó

    The sides have dug in over the question of control

  6. hace 21 horas

    Technologist John Ellis predicts--only half kidding--automakers will hand out free cars because data is so valuable

  7. hace 21 horas

    Today - former DHS chief privacy officer tells me in "Businesses are rightly concerned" about Privacy Shield

  8. retwitteó
    hace 22 horas

    Instead of reporting from KY Trump rally, I spoke to a mom crowdfunding the co-pay for a 13-yr-old's heart surgery:

  9. retwitteó
    hace 22 horas

    Malware 'disguised as Siemens firmware drills into 10 industrial plants'

  10. 22 mar.
  11. 21 mar.
  12. retwitteó
    21 mar.

    More from Robert Tibbo, Edward Snowden's Hong Kong barrister, on Edward Jay Epstein

  13. 20 mar.

    The FTC is opening a public comment period on the risks associated with connected cars

  14. retwitteó
    20 mar.

    My latest: how laundromat cameras, Finnish thermostats and grandma's home router are making the Internet sicker

  15. retwitteó
    20 mar.

    94% of well-funded companies have not established a clear way for the public to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities

  16. 20 mar.
  17. 19 mar.

    Must watch on Netflix - "The Lovers and the Despot."

  18. 17 mar.
  19. 17 mar.
  20. 17 mar.

    $53 million fines possible for social networks that don't remove "slandering or threatening" messages in the EU

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