Safe Boating 

Have a Plan

Be prepared; think ‘what if ?’ and don’t ruin a good day out on the water with insufficient planning. An element of planning is required for even the simplest and shortest of journeys. Passage planning is an obligation...
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Know Your Limits

For the safety and enjoyment of everyone on board remember you, your boat and your crew are one; your limits are the collective limits. There are many factors which may determine what you can enjoy safely on any given day...
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Look after yourself

You, your boat and your crew need to be properly equipped for a safe and an enjoyable time on the water. The gear you will require differs for day boats and boats with eating and sleeping facilities, and it will vary...
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Keep in Touch

Keep a friend or relative ashore appraised of your plans and any changes and have suitable means of communication on board for routine messaging and emergency situations...
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Safety Advisory Notices

First launched in 2014, the annual Safety Advisory Notice offers a simple digest of critical safety issues.
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RYA SafeTrx App

The RYA SafeTrx app monitors your boat journeys and alerts emergency contacts should you fail to arrive on time.
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Safety Tips & Comments

Further practical advice and tips from our cruising section.
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RYA Safety Management Policy

Safety management is a core business function. RYA Safety Management System is a systematic approach to managing safety, including the organisational procedures.
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