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For more than six decades, EngenderHealth has been a leader in expanding access to high-quality vasectomy services in 39 countries. While vasectomy is widely available, safer, simpler, less expensive, and just as effective as female sterilization, it is far less commonly used.

When couples are given a range of options, vasectomy may prove to be the preferred method for those who do not want to have more children—particularly in developing countries, or in areas where limited resources and access to health services make it more difficult to use contraceptive methods (like the pill or injectables) that require regular health visits.

EngenderHealth pioneered “no-scalpel vasectomy,” a technique that is less invasive than traditional vasectomy, is more comfortable for clients, and has fewer complications. Importantly, this procedure enabled a wider range of providers--not just physicians--in varied health care settings to offer the method. In many countries where EngenderHealth works, no-scalpel vasectomy is now the most common type of vasectomy offered.

While we continue to improve the skills of health care professionals in providing vasectomy, EngenderHealth also recognizes the need to reach out to prospective male clients with accurate information. To counter pervasive myths and rumors about vasectomy, the organization led a successful communications campaign in Ghana called, “Get a Permanent Smile,” which included television and radio ads on vasectomy, an informational “hotline,” and community outreach. This campaign was then successfully adapted in Honduras and Bangladesh, raising the number of vasectomy users in all three countries.

EngenderHealth has a number of resources on vasectomy, including guides and training resources for medical professionals.

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