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Our Work

For decades, EngenderHealth has improved the lives of men, women, and families through its work in family planning, maternal health, HIV and AIDS, gender equity, and many other programs.


Advancing Family Planning

Across the globe, we have proven that even in resource-poor settings, family planning services can be safe, effective, and affordable. Learn about our work in contraception, informed choice, and more.

Maternal Health

Our approach to maternal health is holistic, addressing women’s sexual and reproductive health needs throughout their lives. We work to equip health facilities with medical supplies and well-trained staff to provide high-quality services.

HIV, AIDS, and Sexually Transmitted Infections

To help overcome the global HIV epidemic, we train health providers, improve health services, and advocate for national and international policies that respond to the needs of people living with HIV.

Engaging Men As Partners in Reproductive Health

Addressing gender issues is essential to improving the health of both women and men. Through our Men As Partners® program and other initiatives, we mobilize men to support their partners’ reproductive health, promote gender equity, and reduce gender-based violence.

Improving Clinical Quality

We improve the quality of health care by training providers to be responsive and informative, to prevent infection at the facility, and to increase communication among staff. Our pioneering COPE® process has been adapted around the world.

Advocacy and Policy

We work locally, globally, and in the United States to influence evidence-based policy change that will lead to lasting improvements in reproductive health care services.

Major Projects

EngenderHealth is the managing partner of several major projects—consortiums of organizations working in partnership to achieve the maximum impact on public health. These projects range from global to country-specific.

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