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EngenderHealth works in dozens of countries around the world in family planning, maternal health, HIV and AIDS, gender equity, and many other issues related to sexual and reproductive health.

  • Despite the hardship she has endured, Tazi Alphonsine Belle Fille has a lively spirit and beautiful smile. She is the eldest of four girls whose father passed away, and she was just 14 years old when she became pregnant.

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  • Meet Tigist Terefe, a family planning service provider in Ethiopia, who saves lives by providing women and girls with access and choices.

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  • Fatema and Nupur share their experiences from EngenderHealth’s pioneering program that provides family planning services onsite at garment factories.

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  • A nervous 17-year-old mother of two babies stood before a crowd of pregnant and postpartum teens in the quiet town of Carmen, Bohol. Her task: to share her experiences as a teenage mother and how she came to be an acceptor of a modern FP method.

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  • “I didn’t tell anybody because it is the norm that women in the region are taught to tolerate violent assaults perpetrated by spouses,” said Edina, a recent visitor counseled by the Social Welfare Officer in Makambako, Tanzania.

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  • EngenderHealth’s Vice President of Strategy & Impact, Dr. Yetnayet Asfaw, grew up in a world where young girls are told more often what they cannot do than what they can.

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  • Meet Nurse Enidyjoy—a petite, graceful woman who stands tall as the head nurse at a rural clinic in Tanzania.

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  • Ugo was almost without hope at the time that she developed obstetric fistula.

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  • A Ugandan couple discusses their family planning journey.

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  • Florence had heard of family planning but was always skeptical about its safety or effectiveness. But hearing firsthand from Juliana about how family planning changed her life, Florence decided to give it a try.

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  • Meet Farzeli, a Muslim cleric in Azerbaijan, who leads weekly sessions on family planning at his mosque.

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  • Esteemed Islamic scholar Moulana Abdullah Al Maroof, Ph.D, has what he calls a “missionary zeal” for family planning.

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  • Meet Laxmi, who almost lost her life due to excessive bleeding after birth (postpartum hemorrhage).

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  • Dr. Nowrozy is saving lives in Bangladesh, where most women give birth at home without skilled attendants.

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  • Abdul, a rickshaw driver in Bangladesh, is glad of his vasectomy, and encourages his peers to get one.

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  • In Bolivia, indigenous people such as Aruni have had little access to education and economic opportunity.

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  • Meet Silvia, a passionate advocate for the rights of HIV-positive individuals in São Paulo.

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  • Zola, a 6-year-old girl, was at home in her mother's arms when militiamen came in shooting and tore Zola away.

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  • Enjoy a photo essay featuring our clinics, providers, and clients of our family planning work in Ethiopia.

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  • Meet Mouima, whose obstetric fistula was finally cured after 28 years of suffering.

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  • Meet Dr. Rodriguez, one of the few physicians in Honduras trained in the country’s latest hot topic: vasectomy.

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  • Learn more about HIV in India, a country which accounts for nearly 10% of the 40 million people living with HIV and AIDS globally.

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  • Meet Manoj. In his 20s and HIV-positive, he now counsels other men about taking responsibility.

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  • Venilla is living "positively" with her HIV, and has become a master trainer in HIV treatment education.

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  • Peer educators like Sankari provide referrals, counseling, and other lifesaving information to HIV+ people.

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  • Meet Priscilla, a nurse in Kenya, who has worked to demystify the IUD among her fellow villagers.

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  • Nyambu's attitudes toward women changed while he was in the National Youth Service of Kenya.

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  • Meet Ram and Kaushalya. Married as teenagers, they now mentor other young couples about sexuality.

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  • Paulina suffered with obstetric fistula for 25 years before learning that she could be healed for free.

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  • At the Aberdeen Women's Centre in Sierra Leone, women receive life-changing surgery to repair fistula.

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  • Juliana began working with Men As Partners while she was a counselor at a prison in Cape Town.

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  • Meet Jafta, who has run awareness campaigns and workshops on gender issues in Soweto.

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  • Meet Halima, a fistula survivor who now assists in childbirth, saving the lives of mothers and babies in Darfur.

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  • Sheikh Khamsini, a leader of the National Muslim Council of Tanzania, hosts forums on gender equality.

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  • Anasia is one of thousands of people counseled and tested at the Arumeru District Hospital in Tanzania.

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  • Meet Samsoni and Flora Kanyegeli, who are facing HIV and raising their family with a sense of hope.

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  • With a smile that exposes a tiny coveted tooth gap characteristic of East African women, 30-year-old Mariam Omari finds it difficult to hide her joy: She is excited to become a mother, once again.

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  • Meet Drs. Kimona and Lifokata, working to help fistula victims in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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  • Meet Sathi and Saydur, a newlywed couple in Bangladesh who could focus on their education after receiving contraceptive implants.

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  • Meet Almaz Kibri, a community health volunteer in rural Ethiopia, where villagers now consider family planning to be "God-sent."

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  • Rashida was protected from life-threatening postpartum hemorrhage thanks to efforts by EngenderHealth.

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  • Meet Ahmed, who has served for years as a community health volunteer, promoting family planning in Ethiopia's Amhara Region.

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  • Meet Teshome, who has dedicated his life to breaking down harmful gender norms and encouraging responsible living in Ethiopia.

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  • Meet Seid, 40 years old and the father of six children, who wishes he had learned sooner about about vasectomies.

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  • Meet Hamlesab, a family planning nurse in Ethiopia, who has used contraception to reduce abortion rates in her community.

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  • Uma-Shree, trained by EngenderHealth in Bangladesh, works to save mothers lives during childbirth.

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  • Meet Ayenalem, whose life took a dramatic turn when she participated in a community discussion about HIV, drugs, and sex.

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  • Meet Mulu, a health officer in Ethiopia who is learning surgical skills to treat women with obstetric fistula.

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  • In Kissidougou, Guinea, more than 100 volunteers educate their communities about supporting maternal health.

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  • Meet Dr. Adeoye, a fistula repair surgeon in Nigeria who says the thanks he receives cannot be measured in money.

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  • Dr. Alyona Lewis is the only national fistula surgeon providing routine obstetric fistula repairs in all of Sierra Leone.

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  • Meet Ballay from Sierra Leone, who suffered from obstetric fistula was after a tragic, life-threatening delivery.

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  • Meet Ramatou, a young woman from Togo who was healed despite two tragic stillbirths and obstetric fistula.

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  • Meet Edisa, a young woman from Uganda who was healed from obstetric fistula.

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  • Meet Fausta, who suffered from obstetric fistula for years before being cured.

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  • Dr. Arrowsmith has been performing fistula repair surgeries throughout West Africa for decades.

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  • Meet Dr. Singh, empowered by EngenderHealth's training to speak out and make health services available to youth.

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  • Meet Nurse Yetatwork, who works to understand the needs and wants of each client before family planning counseling.

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  • India is the second most populous country in the world and home to the highest number of babies born every minute—more than 50.

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  • In Texas, teenagers are spending a week of vacation performing skits about safe sex and discussing what it means to be men or women.

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  • Meet Matilda Quist, a nurse offering a range of family planning, maternal care, and other health services.

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  • Meet Miriam, who would have died if not for emergency postabortion care supported by EngenderHealth.

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  • Meet Esther. Just a few years ago, Esther expected to be dead by now -- she's HIV positive.

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  • Meet Madeleine, who helped organize volunteers to care for pregnant women and those living with fistula in Korodou.

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  • For anyone who doubts that change can happen, it’s time you met Esther.

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  • Meet Maimuna and Jumanne, whose lives have been changed through their health clinic's comprehensive reproductive health support.

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  • Meet Samira, who refers to her former life as a sex worker as "the dark life" before working with EngenderHealth's MARPs project.

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  • Meet Sister Belaynesh, who is seen as a mother figure to many sex workers in the city of Mekele.

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  • Meet Samira, who refers to her old life as a sex worker as "the dark life" before working with EngenderHealth's MARPs project.

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  • Meet Lemlem, who has become a peer educator and formed a women’s group to support sex workers like herself.

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  • Read Betelhem's own words as she describes her journey from teenage sex worker to peer educator.

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  • Meet Yetemwork, a single mother and former sex worker who was able to finish school, thanks to EngenderHealth's support.

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  • Meet Belaynesh, a sex worker who has become a peer educator and is looking forward to starting a new life.

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  • Meet Addis. Since working with EngenderHealth's MARPs project, she has abandoned the life of a sex worker and started her own business.

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  • Meet Alem, a peer educator with EngenderHealth's MARPs project, who is teaching sex workers about HIV prevention.

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  • Meet Adom, who turned her back on sex work and became a peer educator, giving support and knowledge to other sex workers.

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  • Meet Tigist, who became addicted to alcohol and drugs as a sex worker, but has become free from all of it.

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  • Meet Meskerem, who started saving for her future thanks to EngenderHealth's MARPs project.

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  • As a driver for EngenderHealth, Douglas Lukaya’s job is to get people places. Indeed, if the faded EngenderHealth logo on his white 4x4 SUV is any indication, Douglas, like other EngenderHealth drivers, has traversed vast distances across the Tanzanian countryside, navigating the rugged, pockmarked dirt roads that connect hundreds of dispersed communities.

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  • Approaching her 40th year as a nurse in Magugu Village in Tanzania, Calista Peter George recalls some of her fondest career memories—bringing lifesaving health services to women and girls in the most remote areas of the country.

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  • In the wee hours of the morning under a heavy spate of April rains, Esta Danieli Oda gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at Magugu Health Center, near where she lives in north-central Tanzania. Cuddling with their newborn—who joined four older sisters—Esta and her husband decided they were finished with childbearing.

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  • Twenty-nine-year-old Witness is a painter. The works that line the walls of her home in Magugu village, Tanzania, illustrate her grasp over the principles of good design: Balance. Harmony. Space.

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  • In her 20 years as a nurse at Magugu Health Center, Agness Minja has heard just about every myth circulating in her community about family planning. Last week, a client came into the clinic, insisting on discontinuing her contraceptive pills—she heard they would accumulate in her uterus over time and hurt her.

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  • Like millions of other women and girls in India, 19-year-old Amala* was a teenager when she got married. While her mother-in-law wanted a grandchild as soon as possible, Amala didn’t feel ready—she still had dreams of finishing school before starting her family.

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  • At age 25, Amit Prajapati was the proud father of two girls. Although he dreamed of trying for a son, he knew the economic strain of a third child would keep him from giving his family the best possible future.

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  • One evening in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Mesfin Beyene, 36, was assisting a young woman in labor at Kirkos Health Center where he works. In the middle of the delivery, the power at the facility went out, an all-too-frequent occurrence in many parts of the country.

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  • Daisylou’s story from a quiet part of Phillipines is a powerful reminder that for those who believe in themselves, there are no boundaries.

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