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Our Videos

We've produced hundreds of videos over the years. Some record the amazing stories of the people we help. Others were broadcast in various countries as part of our work. Explore them here.

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The controversial Global Gag Rule prohibits international family planning organizations receiving U.S. aid from providing information, counseling, or referrals related to abortion—even if using their own non-U.S. funding and even if the practices are legal in their own countries.
Gender Matters / Gen.M (more...) Teen pregnancy prevention program in Austin, Texas
Gender Matters (or "Gen.M") is a teen pregnancy prevention program in Austin, Texas, that reaches youth ages 14-16. As a five-day workshop, Gen.M examines gender messages, healthy relationships, teen parenting, sexual decision-making, and ways to prevent pregnancy and STIs.
It’s a fact: healthy moms have healthier babies. This WTFP?! video raises awareness about the 225 million women worldwide who want to plan their families but lack access to modern contraception. #WheresTheFP
From the beginning of time, women have wanted to decide for themselves if and when to have children. As a result, they’ve endured some of history’s worst contraceptives. It’ll make you say, “Ewww.” So, WTFP?! Where's The Family Planning?!
Academy Award-winning actress Mira Sorvino is partnering with EngenderHealth to raise awareness about the need to expand access to family planning and quality maternal healthcare for women everywhere. Watch this short video and learn how Mira’s personal journey to motherhood inspires her work.
In a recent interview with CBS News, Academy Award-winning actress Mira Sorvino discussed how a maternal health crisis made her acutely aware of the health care challenges faced by women in developing countries. Learn more about why Mira is partnering with EngenderHealth to help women access maternal health and family planning services around the world.
EngenderHealth is a leading global women’s health organization committed to ensuring that every pregnancy is planned, every child is wanted, and every mother has the best chance at survival. In 20 countries around the world, we train health care professionals and partner with governments and communities to make high-quality family planning and sexual and reproductive health services available—today and for generations to come.
As part of the RESPOND Project in Cote d'Ivoire, EngenderHealth produced a song and short video to encourage men's participation in HIV services and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT). The song was produced in collaboration with Ivoirian pop star, Fadal Dey, and local partner REPMASCI.
This video was created by Karen Koh, a participant in a site visit to EngenderHealth Ethiopia from January 18-25 2014. This video chronicles the trip, details the need for high quality maternal health care and family planning in Ethiopia, and describes EngenderHealth's impact.
Fistula Day: One Woman's Battle (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In this clip from Ugandan television, EngenderHealth is part of the story of how women recover from obstetric fistula.
Through the ABRI project in Ethiopia, EngenderHealth works to improve access to, and knowledge of, comprehensive contraceptive and reproductive health services.
EngenderHealth leads the CHAMPION Project, an innovative five-year initiative to increase men's involvement in preventing the spread of HIV in Tanzania.
In recognition of International Women's Day, Avon Foundation for Women Ambassador Salma Hayek Pinault awarded EngenderHealth the 2nd Avon Communications Awards: Speaking Out About Violence Against Women for their outstanding work to bring attention to the need to end violence against women.
Every Minute Counts: Improve Maternal Health (more...) Millennium Development Goal #5 (MDG5)
Why is maternal health a Millennium Development Goal? Because healthy mothers are critical for families, communities, and countries. And yet, every ninety seconds, every day, a woman dies due to pregnancy or childbirth. That is more than 900 dead every 24 hours -- more than 342,000 women a year. But change is possible. It is already happening.
2009 Fistula Day in Guinea (Fistula Care) (more...) In French, without subtitles
Every year, EngenderHealth organizes a national "Fistula Day" in Guinea to raise awareness of fistula among communities and key decision makers. This video clip profiles the 2009 celebration.
To inspire couples to talk about family planning, the RESPOND Project developed four short documentaries profiling real couples who overcame their fears about long-acting and permanent methods of contraception.
To inspire couples to talk about family planning, the RESPOND Project developed four short documentaries profiling real couples who overcame their fears about long-acting and permanent methods of contraception.
To inspire couples to talk about family planning, the RESPOND Project developed four short documentaries profiling real couples who overcame their fears about long-acting and permanent methods of contraception.
To inspire couples to talk about family planning, the RESPOND Project developed four short documentaries profiling real couples who overcame their fears about long-acting and permanent methods of contraception.
In India, the RESPOND Project developed four radio public service announcements as part of its initiative in support of no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV).
In India, the RESPOND Project developed four radio public service announcements as part of its initiative in support of no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV).
In India, the RESPOND Project developed four radio public service announcements as part of its initiative in support of no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV).
In India, the RESPOND Project developed four radio public service announcements as part of its initiative in support of no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV).
This ad is from the "Be a Role Model" campaign against gender-based violence, produced by the CHAMPION Project in Tanzania. It is in Swahili with English subtitles.
This ad is from the "Be a Role Model" campaign against gender-based violence, produced by the CHAMPION Project in Tanzania. It is in Swahili with English subtitles.
This ad is from the "Be a Role Model" campaign against gender-based violence, produced by the CHAMPION Project in Tanzania. It is in Swahili with English subtitles.
If you had hundreds of millions of dollars to change the world, what would you spend it on: easing world hunger, reducing global instability, or saving the environment? What if there was a way to work on all three?
Thoko's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Thoko has had three kinds of father figures in her life: biological, surrogate, and grandfather. Her first was a physically abusive criminal; the second, a sexually abusive criminal; and the third, the only father figure who showed her respect and love. Now, as a gender activist, she is getting a chance to heal.
Thami's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Thami was 17 when he first met his father, an HIV-positive womanizer who died a few months later. Thami's uncle died from AIDS as well, along with his partner, leaving their baby orphaned. With all these in mind, Thami has become an HIV activist, teaching people to be responsible with their lives.
Paul's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Raised by his grandfather, Paul was devastated when he had to return home to his mother and physically-abusive stepfather, even attempting suicide. But afterwards, in honor of his mother, he realized a call to become an activist fighting gender-based violence.
Nkonzo's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Nkonzo's father was alcoholic and abusive, and left when he was young. His mother died giving birth when Nkonzo was sixteen, and his elder brother died soon after of a gunshot wound. Nkonzo now cares for his younger brother, and has come to terms with his father, and the need for role models in children's lives.
Juliana's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
As a child, Juliana was abused by her father, sexually and emotionally. She grew up hating men. However, she came to realize how she was being held back by her past, and after freeing herself, became an educator to free others from their attitudes and fears.
Bonile's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Now HIV-positive, Bonile reviews key moments in his life: passing initiation, breaking up with his girlfriend, testing positive for HIV, and finally becoming a gender activist.
HIV Is Real and It's Around (more...) Song for World AIDS Day
Mogomotsi "Supreme" Mfalapitsa, a gender activist for EngenderHealth in South Africa, has worked to reduce both HIV and gender inequality. He performed this original song about HIV and safe sex at the Mexico YouthForce pre-conference just before the 2008 International AIDS Conference.
In 2012, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote a letter to fistula surgeons in the DRC, saying, "Facing difficult challenges every single day, the surgeons and health care providers at this meeting are truly heroes."
Andre's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
With an alcoholic father, and a mother who told Andre that he was just like his dad, Andre never expected to get married. But now that he is, and is having his first child, he is learning to discard the crap from his parent's marriage while sorting out the good.
Msekeli's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Although his father cheated on his mother, Msekeli never said anything to her. Years later he realized the risks that his father exposed them to, and works as a gender activist.
Dumisani's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
In his youth, to prove he was a man, Dumisani participated in a gang rape, and began abusing drugs and alcohol. He got another girl pregnant and married her. Years later, he has realized the mistakes he made were shared by many other men, and Dumi has become a gender activist.
In 2009, as part of YouTube's Video Volunteers project, we sought your help explaining why Americans should care about international family planning.
Dumisani Rebombo, a gender activist from EngenderHealth's Men As Partners® program in South Africa, shared his story of personal transformation on Voice of America's "Healthy Living" television program, broadcast in 60 countries across Africa and Eastern Europe.
Dumisani Rebombo, a gender activist from EngenderHealth's Men As Partners® program in South Africa, shared his story of personal transformation on Voice of America's "Healthy Living" television program, broadcast in 60 countries across Africa and Eastern Europe.
The Maternal Health Task Force, formerly at EngenderHealth, contributes to shaping collective efforts to improve maternal health worldwide. Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Task Force serves as a catalyst to address one of the most neglected areas in global health.
Dr. Isaiah Ndong, EngenderHealth's Vice President of Programs, appeared on the educational television show Future Choices. He presents a compelling case for why President Obama must overturn the Global Gag Rule.
Dr. Isaiah Ndong, EngenderHealth's Vice President of Programs, appeared on the educational television show Future Choices. He presents a compelling case for why President Obama must overturn the Global Gag Rule.
Dr. Isaiah Ndong, EngenderHealth's Vice President of Programs, appeared on the educational television show Future Choices. He presents a compelling case for why President Obama must overturn the Global Gag Rule.
In December 2009, EngenderHealth co-hosted a lively event in New York with the leaders of Equality Now and Ashoka in a conversation with Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, authors of Half the Sky. The speakers and audience members engaged in a stimulating discussion on many dimensions of womens health, rights, and welfare, with moderating by Maria Hinojosa of NOW on PBS.
In December 2009, EngenderHealth co-hosted a lively event in New York with the leaders of Equality Now and Ashoka in a conversation with Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, authors of Half the Sky. The speakers and audience members engaged in a stimulating discussion on many dimensions of womens health, rights, and welfare, with moderating by Maria Hinojosa of NOW on PBS.
Silvia's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Sifa's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Rose's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Medius's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Mastula's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Mary's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Kahara's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Jane's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Irene's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Federesi's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
Allen's Story (more...) Ugandan Fistula Survivor
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. The resulting videos recount their struggles with pregnancy, loss, relationships, as well as their search for safety, acceptance, and dignity.
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. In addition, healthcare providers were asked to discuss fistula and the issues around it.
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. In addition, healthcare providers were asked to discuss fistula and the issues around it.
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. In addition, healthcare providers were asked to discuss fistula and the issues around it.
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. In addition, healthcare providers were asked to discuss fistula and the issues around it.
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. In addition, healthcare providers were asked to discuss fistula and the issues around it.
In Uganda, EngenderHealth partnered with St. Joseph's Hospital and the Center for Digital Storytelling to help obstetric fistula survivors tell their stories. In addition, healthcare providers were asked to discuss fistula and the issues around it, including this one.
Uwezo's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Tumaini's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Robert's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Luka's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Katanta's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Jeremiah's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Happy's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Brown's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Albert's Story (more...) Stories from Tanzania
These videos tell the stories of Tanzanian men who have been able to challenge and overcome harmful male gender norms such as the use of violence, substance abuse, the pursuit of multiple sexual partners, the domination of women, and more.
Men: Telling It Like It Is, Volume 2 (more...) Stories from South Africa
In this video, EngenderHealth/Men As Partners highlights three characters who take the audience through their experiences with gender-based violence. The video challenges traditional and unhealthy male gender norms linked to masculinity.
Men: Telling It Like It Is, Volume 1 (more...) Stories from South Africa
In this video, EngenderHealth and Men As Partners highlights three characters who take the audience through their experiences with HIV and being a man in a democratic South Africa. The characters highlight key HIV prevention messages of getting tested for HIV, choosing abstinence, and confronting sexual harassment.
Sibongiseni's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Sibongiseni's father was abusive, and she eventually became rebellious. In this video, she's still trying to figure out what love is, among family and friends.
Rraphakisa's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Rraphakisa was deeply impacted when his cousins and their mother were shot to death by their father. Later, he had to talk a friend out of shooting his pregnant girlfriend. As he grew up, he dedicated his life to being a gender activist.
Reg's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Attacked and beaten for his political beliefs in reforming Zimbabwe's constitution, Reg began to recognize his own strength and violent capabilities. After much reflection, Reg has become an activist against violence, especially violence against women and children.
Mothusi's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
After his father had an affair, then became unemployed and abusive, Mothusi's parents divorced. Mothusi began rebelling, buying alcohol and guns, and sharing girls with his friends. But then he got a wake-up call.
Lillo's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Raised with an abusive alcoholic father, Lillo learned early about the problems of gender-based violence. His father's reputation led others to condemn him; however, Lillo became a gender activist in order to stop the violence.
Jeff's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
In his youth, Jeff preferred books and movies instead of sports, but peer pressure to prove his manhood led him to alcohol, sex, and parties. His friend was killed during a bar fight, which finally led Jeff to recognize problems with violence in his lifestyle and even in his family.
Jason's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
Jason was devastated when he learned of his HIV positive status. He faced stigma, isolation, discrimination, and rejection -- even from himself. But he realized he needed to change.
Gary's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
With a criminal father, it wasn't hard for Gary to become addicted to drugs and befriend other criminals. But his mother's illness forced him to decide what to do with his life, and he changed.
Donald's Story (more...) Digital Stories from South Africa
As a minority in his home country, Donald was no stranger to discrimination. Whether from language, health status, or gender, Donald has challenged injustice as an activist against violence.
In Nepal, EngenderHealth teamed up with CARE on a project to improve health outcomes for married adolescents. This video includes compelling stories of local individuals and their contributions to the betterment of reproductive health services in their own communities.
Teopolina's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Ngamane's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Nelao's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Menesia's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Manfred's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Liza's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
James's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Henry's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Ephraim's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Daniel's Story (more...) Stories from Namibia
These digital stories from Namibia focus on how women and men are challenging gender norms, how gender issues can impact HIV transmission in the country, and what this could mean for the future.
Nivaldo (more...) Mozambique Digital Stories (Men As Partners)
In 2009, EngenderHealth partnered with Instituto Promundo to build the capacity of local Mozambican organizations to integrate male engagement strategies into HIV and AIDS programming. (In Portuguese, without subtitles.)
Mudanca (more...) Mozambique Digital Stories (Men As Partners)
In 2009, EngenderHealth partnered with Instituto Promundo to build the capacity of local Mozambican organizations to integrate male engagement strategies into HIV and AIDS programming. (In Portuguese, without subtitles.)
Mudanca de Comportamento (more...) Mozambique Digital Stories (Men As Partners)
In 2009, EngenderHealth partnered with Instituto Promundo to build the capacity of local Mozambican organizations to integrate male engagement strategies into HIV and AIDS programming. (In Portuguese, without subtitles.)
Betto (more...) Mozambique Digital Stories (Men As Partners)
In 2009, EngenderHealth partnered with Instituto Promundo to build the capacity of local Mozambican organizations to integrate male engagement strategies into HIV and AIDS programming. (In Portuguese, without subtitles.)
The Right Decision at the Right Time (more...) Dispelling Myths around NSV in India
This film is meant to expand awareness and acceptance of no-scalpel vasectomy as part of a series of behavior change communication (BCC) materials that focus on couples who have completed their families.
Mother & Daughter (more...) EngenderHealth's SAMASTHA Project in India
From EngenderHealth's SAMASTHA project in India, watch how the quality of healthcare is being transformed for people living with HIV.
Elizabeth's Story (more...) EngenderHealth's SAMASTHA Project in India
From EngenderHealth's SAMASTHA project in India, watch how the quality of healthcare is being transformed for people living with HIV.
Chandru and Dr. Bindu (more...) EngenderHealth's SAMASTHA Project in India
From EngenderHealth's SAMASTHA project in India, watch how the quality of healthcare is being transformed for people living with HIV.
Hosted by Indian entertainment star Jaaved Jaffri, this short video uses interviews with HIV-positive men and their families to illustrate how EngenderHealth's Men As Partners (MAP) Positive Prevention program encourages and supports the important role that men can play in preventing HIV transmission.
In this video series, Indian men share how their HIV-positive status has affected their attitudes and the lives of their families and friends. Each one highlights a variety of interrelated topics--sexuality, disclosure, masculinity, positive living, prevention, and more.
In this video series, Indian men share how their HIV-positive status has affected their attitudes and the lives of their families and friends. Each one highlights a variety of interrelated topics--sexuality, disclosure, masculinity, positive living, prevention, and more.
In this video series, Indian men share how their HIV-positive status has affected their attitudes and the lives of their families and friends. Each one highlights a variety of interrelated topics -- sexuality, disclosure, masculinity, positive living, prevention, and more.
Hosted by popular Indian actress Ratna Pathak Shah, this short video explains the techniques and outcomes of the Men As Partners® (MAP) gender-equality workshops led by EngenderHealth. The results are clear: MAP in India is a practical model for intervention.
EngenderHealth partnered with the Population Council on a groundbreaking program improving indigenous rural girls health and lives in Guatemala.
In 2003, the ACQUIRE Project launched the "Permanent Smile" campaign in Ghana. Using the slogan "Why is this man smiling? Vasectomy: Give yourself a permanent smile!", the nationally televised ads educated men and women about the benefits of no-scalpel vasectomies (NSV).
In 2003, the ACQUIRE Project launched the "Permanent Smile" campaign in Ghana. Using the slogan "Why is this man smiling? Vasectomy: Give yourself a permanent smile!", the nationally televised ads educated men and women about the benefits of no-scalpel vasectomies (NSV).
Peace and Love (more...) A Song at the Ethiopia Conference
In this short video, Mogomotsi "Supreme" Mfalapitsa--a gender activist who worked for EngenderHealth in South Africa--rouses an Ethiopian youth conference with the song "Peace and Love."
Bringing Back Dignity: The Story of Yeserash Simeneh (more...) Stories of Ethiopia Fistula Survivors
In this video, Yeserash and her father, Simeneh, express the hardships of obstetric fistula as well as the lessons learned from their experience. Simeneh's father regrets marrying off his daughter at the young age of 12 or 13 and vows that he will not do the same with his other daughters.
Bringing Back Dignity: The Story of Tihun Ingedaw (more...) Stories of Ethiopia Fistula Survivors
In this video, meet Tihun from Ethiopia. Despite the double tragedy of losing her baby and developing a fistula, Tihun was blessed with a supportive husband who did not leave her when she was ill.
Bringing Back Dignity: The Story of Abebu Degu (more...) Stories of Ethiopia Fistula Survivors
In this video, Abebu, a 20-year-old fistula survivor from Ethiopia, describes the hardships of living with a fistula and how her life has been transformed by repair.
In 2007, the ACQUIRE Project launched the "My Husband is Precious" campaign in Bangladesh. The campaign promoted no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV) through two television advertisements targeted to married men and women with children.
In 2007, the ACQUIRE Project launched the "My Husband is Precious" campaign in Bangladesh. The campaign promoted no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV) through two television advertisements targeted to married men and women with children.
In September 2007, the ACQUIRE Project launched the National Pomegranate Media Campaign in Azerbaijan. Using the slogan "Pregnancy Planning -- Choose the Right Time!", the nationally televised ads are accompanied by billboard advertising and sponsorship of health festivals.
In September 2007, the ACQUIRE Project launched the National Pomegranate Media Campaign in Azerbaijan. Using the slogan "Pregnancy Planning -- Choose the Right Time!", the nationally televised ads are accompanied by billboard advertising and sponsorship of health festivals.
In September 2007, the ACQUIRE Project launched the National Pomegranate Media Campaign in Azerbaijan. Using the slogan "Pregnancy Planning -- Choose the Right Time!", the nationally televised ads are accompanied by billboard advertising and sponsorship of health festivals.
In September 2007, the ACQUIRE Project launched the National Pomegranate Media Campaign in Azerbaijan. Using the slogan "Pregnancy Planning -- Choose the Right Time!", the nationally televised ads are accompanied by billboard advertising and sponsorship of health festivals.
In this video series, Indian men share how their HIV-positive status has affected their attitudes and the lives of their families and friends. Each one highlights a variety of interrelated topics -- sexuality, disclosure, masculinity, positive living, prevention, and more.
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