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The Supply–Enabling Environment–Demand (SEED)™ Assessment Guide for Family Planning Programming

With unmet need for family planning remaining high, particularly in the world’s poorest countries, and reproductive health programs struggling to meet the demand for their services, comprehensive assessments are needed to improve family planning programs and ensure that they meet the reproductive intentions of their clients. In response to this need, EngenderHealth developed the SEED™ Assessment Guide for Family Planning Programming, a comprehensive, easy-to-use tool to help program managers and staff determine strengths and weaknesses in family planning programs by identifying programmatic gaps that require further investment or more in-depth assessment prior to (re)designing programmatic interventions. The guide is primarily intended for use by high- or mid-level FP program staff in technical organizations, ministries of health, or donor agencies, though others working in the area of sexual and reproductive health could also find it useful.

The SEED™ Assessment Guide for Family Planning Programming is grounded in EngenderHealth’s SEED Programming Model™, a holistic programming framework based on the principle that sexual and reproductive health programs will be more successful, sustainable, and accountable to the communities they serve if they comprehensively address the three interdependent and mutually supportive components of sexual and reproductive health programs: supply; the enabling environment; and demand.

Download the full publication in English (PDF, 1.5MB) or French (PDF, 2.8MB).

Download a summary description of the SEED model in English (PDF, 543KB) or French (PDF, 1.1MB).

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