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Help us promote the show 

The RYA Suzuki Dinghy Show is a fun-packed event that offers all the materials to improve your sailing - in fact it’s more than just a show.  

You can help us make the 2017 show even better by promoting the show to your customers and members throughout the year.

Below is a selection of various banners and images in different sizes to use.

Social Media

Make sure you follow us @Dinghyshow and and share with us what you're up too.

Let your customers/members know you’ll be there.  Use the image below in your social media.


Add a banner to your website, don’t forget to link the banner to where to buy tickets.


E-shots and newsletters

Use an image in your E-shots and newsletters linking the image to where tickets can be bought.


Add an email banner in your signature and hyperlink it so you send them to where they can purchase tickets.

Find books for your course at the RYA Shop

eBooks in the cloud
Our handy guide shows the books & DVDs that go with your course!
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