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Promoting Gender Equity

Technical Publications and Resources

Mobilising a Response to HIV, Gender, Youth and Gender-Based Violence in South Africa: A Toolkit for Trainers and Programme Implementers 
During its implementation in South Africa, the Sexual HIV Prevention Project (SHIPP), a U.S. Agency for International Development–funded project on which EngenderHealth worked as a partner, determined that program staff working at the municipal and district levels and staff of community organizations needed additional training on HIV, gender, and youth. EngenderHealth oversaw the development of this toolkit to support “in-house” training on gender, HIV, youth, and community mobilization; the toolkit modules cover a range of topics and can be selected based on organizational needs and specific knowledge gaps among staff and volunteers. An advantage of the modular arrangement is that rather than having to set aside large blocks of time for training workshops, exercises and modules can be conducted on a stand-alone basis through sessions as short as two to three hours, or, if time permits, over a day or several days, or intermittently over a number of weeks or months. The toolkit also provides a detailed outline of the key principles and techniques of participatory learning.
(2015) English.
Download this publication (PDF, 841 KB)

Men's Reproductive Health Curriculum
A three-part curriculum designed to provide a broad range of health care workers with the skills and sensitivity needed to work with male clients and provide men's reproductive health services:

  • Section 1: Introduction to Men's Reproductive Health Services, Revised Edition
    The first module of the curriculum is designed to help sites and health care workers address organizational and attitudinal barriers that may exist when initiating, providing, or expanding a men's reproductive health services program.
    (2008) English.
  • Section 2: Counseling and Communicating with Men
    The second module focuses on strengthening service providers' ability to interact with, communicate with, and counsel men—with or without their partners—on reproductive health issues.
    (2003) English. Trainer's resource book MG-10T. Free. / Participant's handbook MG-10PH. Free. Order this publication  
  • Section 3: Management of Men's Reproductive Health Problems
    The third module provides information to clinicians and other service providers in diagnosing and managing reproductive health disorders in men.
    (2003) English. Trainer's resource book MG-11T. Free. / Participant's handbook MG-11PH. Free. Order this publication

Engaging Boys and Men in GBV Prevention and Reproductive Health in Conflict and Emergency-Response Settings: A Workshop Module (CD-ROM)
This curriculum, developed by EngenderHealth and CARE, with support from USAID’s Interagency Gender Working Group (IGWG), is designed to build the skills of participants working to engage boys and men in the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) and in the promotion of reproductive health (RH) in conflict and other emergency-response settings. The two-day participatory module provides a framework for discussing strategies for male engagement, based on the phases of prevention and response in conflict and displacement. Specific audiences are project managers from nongovernmental organizations, field staff, health sector coordinators, health promoters, donor representatives, local ministry of health representatives, and community liaisons working for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or other UN agencies. This module is appropriate for staff who have received some training in gender, GBV prevention, and RH. The CD-ROM also contains presentations, resource articles, and reference materials on male engagement and conflict and emergency response.
(2008) English MG-A-18. Also available for download: the complete Workshop Module (PDF, 746kb) and three ZIP archives containing all the supplementary files: Presentations (ZIP, 1.6mb), Resource Articles (ZIP, 2.8mb), and Reference Materials (ZIP, 6.2mb)

Engaging Boys and Men in Gender Transformation: The Group Education Manual
This 11-chapter manual offers trainers an array of participatory experiential exercises to reach men (and their partners), exploring gender socialization and its impact on HIV prevention and care.  Piloted in Ethiopia, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania, the manual is designed to assist master trainers in developing curricula to work with men and boys on gender, HIV and AIDS issues.  After a short background discussing the scientific rationale, chapter topics include:  Gender and Power, Sexuality, Men and Health, Substance Use, Healthy Relationships, STI and HIV prevention, Living with HIV, Fatherhood, Violence and Making Change-taking Action.
(2008; developed through the ACQUIRE Project) Available as  PDF: English (1.4MB)  French (2.0MB)

Engaging Boys and Men in Gender Transformation: A Spiritual Supplement Facilitating the Men as Partners Group Education Manual in Christian Settings
This supplement was developed jointly by EngenderHealth and LifeLine/ChildLine (our partner in Namibia) with funding support from PEPFAR awarded through EngenderHealth's RESPOND project. The document was created to: 1) stimulate conversation and deeper reflection on topics from the Men As Partners® (MAP) Group Education Manual with Christian audiences, 2) promote gender transformation through biblical and spiritual discussion, 3) support facilitators in dealing with difficult questions, of a religious or spiritual nature, from training participants, and 4) give facilitators religious and spiritual justifications for gender equity and equality, as well as deepen training participants' understanding of the topics covered. This document has been used by LifeLine/ChildLine to conduct gender transformative work with men and boys, and to train Christian clergy in its use for the development of sermons, pastoral counselling, religious education, and health education ministries.
(2011) Download as a PDF (2MB) from the RESPOND Project

Synchronizing Gender Strategies: A Cooperative Model for Improving Reproductive Health and Transforming Gender Relations
This publication makes the case for working with men and women, boys and girls, together in an intentional and mutually reinforcing way that challenges gender norms in the pursuit of improved health and gender equality. In addition to providing a definition for the new concept of gender synchronization, this document provides examples of synchronized approaches that have worked first with women and girls, or first with men and boys, and describes interventions that have worked with both sexes from the start. It also provides examples of new and emerging programs that should be watched in the coming years for the knowledge they may contribute to the implementation of gender synchronization.
(2010) Available as PDF: English (512KB)

Needs Assessment Package for Male Engagement Programming
This package, developed jointly by The ACQUIRE Project and Promundo, a Brazilian nongovernmental organization, can be used by individuals, organizations, and donors to carry out needs assessments to identify gaps in male engagement programming related to HIV and AIDS prevention, care, treatment, and support.
(2008) English. MG-A-15.
Available as a PDF: English (844KB) and Portuguese (270KB).
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Engaging Men in HIV and AIDS at the Service Delivery Level: A Manual for Service Providers
Designed for trainers of health workers, this manual offers skills-building sessions on developing more “male-friendly” health services. Utilizing participatory and experiential activities, the manual examines attitudinal and structural barriers that inhibit men from seeking HIV and AIDS services (both from the client and the provider perspectives), as well as strategies for overcoming such barriers. The manual is designed for all workers in a health care system—frontline staff, clinicians, and administrative, operational, and outreach workers. 
(2008) English. MG-A-16.
Available as a PDF: English (1.7MB) and Portuguese (1.67MB)
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Engaging Men at the Community Level
This interactive manual offers master trainers approaches for working with community-based health outreach workers and gender activists a means to mobilize community members to take action related to HIV, AIDS and gender. Following a brief section defining male gender norms linkage to negative health outcomes, the manual offers numerous strategies for community engagement for change, such as conducting a needs assessment, conducing marches and rallies, engaging theatre practitioners, among others. Utilizing an ecological model linked to the formation of “community action teams” (CATs), the manual offers strategies to reach various community members for actual and sustain change specific to HIV, AIDS and men.
(2008; developed through the ACQUIRE Project) Download: download (696KB)

Men As Partners Digital Stories: India
In India, EngenderHealth partnered with local organizations to adapt the global Men As Partners® (MAP) program, developing community-based, peer-driven interventions with young men and boys. The results were dramatic: men thoughtfully engaged in discussions, role-playing, and games about gender issues. The MAP workshops created real change in participant’s attitudes toward women. Furthermore, as a gender-related HIV awareness and support program, it is the first of its kind in Asia. EngenderHealth India has produced several videos that document the goals, approaches and successes of its MAP work: digital stories, as well as documentaries hosted by Indian entertainment celebrities.
(2007) Available for viewing online.

Men As Partners Digital Stories: South Africa
In July 2005, the Center for Digital Storytelling’s Silence Speaks project traveled to South Africa to conduct two digital storytelling workshops with staff and volunteers from EngenderHealth's MAP Network. Participants in Johannesburg and Cape Town wrote and recorded first-person narratives about their lives; chose photos, still images, video clips, and music to illustrate their stories; and learned to edit these materials into the short digital videos presented here. These digital stories are being shown in trainings and public community screenings throughout South Africa, to promote the MAP Network’s efforts to involve men in ending gender-based violence and preventing HIV and AIDS.
(2005) Available for viewing online.

Men As Partners: A Program for Supplementing the Training of Life Skills Educators, 2nd Edition
A manual intended for use by Men As Partners (MAP) educators in facilitating workshops on male involvement in reproductive health. Contains a variety of interactive educational activities on such topics as gender and sexuality, male and female sexual health, HIV and AIDS, and other sexually transmitted infections, relationships, and violence, as well as general resources for facilitators.
(2001) English EQ-0036. Only available in PDF.

Transforming Men Into Clients: Men's Reproductive Health Services in Guinea (PDF, 368 KB)
Compass, 2003, No. 2. Intended broadly for the professional community involved in international public health and development, Compassis a periodic publication featuring snapshots of the results of EngenderHealth's work in the areas of family planning, prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and maternal care. This issue reports on how men's use of reproductive health services, as well as local approval of and interest in such services, rose notably as a result of intervention by Guinea's Ministry of Health and EngenderHealth.
(2003) English AA-COMP03-2. Free. Order this publication.

Youth-Friendly Services: A Manual for Service Providers
A training manual designed to provide a broad range of health care workers with the skills and sensitivity needed to work with adolescent clients and provide adolescent reproductive health services. Topics include the importance of working with youth, characteristics of youth-friendly services, service provider values about working with youth, gender roles, youth sexual and reproductive health issues, and communicating with youth. An EngenderHealth work in progress.
(2002) English MG-09. Only available as PDF.

Stay Healthy: A Gender-Transformative HIV Prevention Curriculum for Youth in Namibia
Developed in partnership with LifeLine/ChildLine in Namibia, this prototype curriculum is meant to be used to help youth better understand the role of gender norms in the HIV epidemic and adopt healthy behaviors. Stay Healthy focuses on changing three key behaviors directly related to HIV infection: (1) delaying the onset of sexual intercourse, (2) increasing the correct and consistent use of the male condom among sexually active youth, and (3) decreasing multiple concurrent partners among sexually active youth. Set in a Namibian context, this highly interactive curriculum comprises a series of 18 linked sessions that can be easily adapted for use with youth in school and non school settings, as well as with youth in other countries.
(2011) Download as a PDF (2MB) from the RESPOND Project

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