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Copyright strike basics

If you get a copyright strike, that means your video has been taken down from YouTube because a copyright owner sent us a complete and valid legal request asking us to do so. When a copyright owner formally notifies us that you don’t have their permission to post their content on the site, we take down your upload to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Keep in mind, videos can be removed from the site for different reasons, not all of which are copyright-related. Also, Content ID claims don't result in a strike. 

Deleting a video with a strike won’t resolve your strike.

What happens to your account when you get a copyright strike?

We all make mistakes. When you get a copyright strike, it acts as a warning. However, copyright strikes may affect your ability to monetize. In addition, if your live stream or archived live stream is removed for copyright, your access to live streaming will be restricted for 90 days. 

If you receive three copyright strikes:

  • Your account will be terminated.
  • All the videos uploaded to your account will be removed.
  • You won't be able to create new accounts.
Get information about your strike
  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. In the top right, click your account icon > Creator Studio.
  3. On the left, click Video manager > Copyright notices.
  4. Click Copyright strike next to a video to learn more about the removal.
How to resolve a copyright strike

There are three ways to resolve a copyright strike.

  1. Wait for it to expire: A copyright strike will expire in three months as long as you complete Copyright School.
  2. Get a retraction: You may be able to offer to delete your video, or you can contact the person who claimed your video and ask them to retract their claim of copyright infringement.
  3. Submit a counter notification: If your video was mistakenly removed because it was misidentified as infringing, or qualifies as a potential fair use, you may wish to submit a counter notification.


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